Sunday, May 26, 2013

Show and Tell Sunday

Lately I've noticed that a lot of bloggers share their Instagram link so their readers can follow them via photos. 
Hundreds of photos.
While I'm totally a sucker for pictures, and will happily and enthusiastically look at your adorable cat and funny kids and artsy pictures of your shoes and even all the delicious meals you're eating, I like to keep my Instagram account  private. 
Family and family-like friends only.
No lie, I only have 11 followers (what up, followers!). 
And even though I consider all of you lovlies my friends, I take waay too many photos of my kids (and cats) to have out there floating around in the interworld, where I might one day find them memed -- and not in a good way.
I've thought about having a separate YMFT Instagram, but I'm too lazy and tired to start one. Plus, I'd get confused with all the switching back and forth, and lord knows I don't need anything else to be confused about.
Since I don't usually post on Sundays, I've decided to use this day as a little "Show & Tell" where I'll post a collection of my Instagram photos from the week. 
And if you notice an out of place but jaunty mustache or maybe an awesome pair of cartoon shades adorning a child (or a cat...or an adult), don't be alarmed. No one was hurt.


Let's start with the obligatory cat shot and get that out of the way.

This is our extra large diabetic sweetheart.
As you can see, she's extremely photogenic.

On the blog's Facebook page, I like to post Throwback Thursday (#tbt for the cool kids) photos of 70's and 80's things I loved, but on Instagram, it's usually all about digging out the old family pics. 
Like this one.

#tbt - Me and my big sister -- always, always matching.
Circa 1972 or '73. 

If you read Friday's post (keep scrolling) or if you know me at all, you know that this weekend marked the official beginning of the summer season at the lake. The fact that there are still two more weeks of school and it is still cool and rainy is of no matter.
In my world, it's summer dammit.

I was wrapped in fleece and blankets, but that smile is genuine.
The cartoon glasses, however, are not.

No weekend is complete without our favorite pizza and our favorite Red Brew (or Root Beer for the unfortunate ones)...

Cheers to a new season. well as a stop into the candy/ice-cream store.
Both are only a little over a mile up the bike path from our cabin.
That's either a great thing or a terrible one depending if you're my jeans or not. 

By September, I will have eaten my weight in vanilla and cupcake taffy
and my intestines will be as stretchy as silly putty.

Game night (a favorite game if you've been paying attention) -

What do you do when it's cool and windy outside?
Work on the never-ending project, of course.
22 squares done, only 13 more to go (which translates roughly into 15 hours, or at the rate I'm going, about 11 months). 

This sucker is getting finished by July 4th.
Or September 4th.

The first of many summer sunsets on the lake. 

So lovely you can't even tell how cold I was when I took it. 

And even though this Instagram pic of the bonfire is from back in August, I'm posting it now because that's where I'm headed, and I'm going there without my screens.  Imagine that.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend...

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  1. I love all of your pictures! My favorite caption "...or root beer for the unfortunate ones." Haha!


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.