Friday, May 24, 2013

Friday Favorites ~ Summer's Eve.

Wait. Hold on.
I'm totally not talking about a douche. 

Do they even make those anymore? Or was that just a fad in the 70's and 80's? Seriously. Can someone check that out and report back? 

No, what I'm talking about is far more exciting and won't leave you with a nasty yeast infection (or so I've heard). 

You guys, it's finally, finally here.

Summer's Eve. 

Why does that make me wanna bust out some mad moves and do a happy dance?

1.) You know how I feel about 'Eves',
2.) You may remember that here in Minnesota, winter ate spring,
3.) I'm thisclose to spending three months (give or take a week) at my Happy Place

I'm not kidding, because this is our last "normal" summer with Thing 1 (don't even get me started), we're planning to pull up our stakes, pack up our cats and head to the lake for most of the summer. 

It's tough, but they find a way to relax.

I can't wait. 
No, I take that back.
Actually, I can. 
I've said it before and I'll say it again, the 'Eve' is much better than the actual event, because it hasn't happened yet. And if it hasn't happened (but is just about to), it isn't almost over and I'm not sad and wishing it was just beginning.  
That makes perfect sense to me, btw, but I'm on my second glass of wine*, so let me explain:
It's like when you first sit down to open presents on Christmas morning.
It's like day one of the vacation you've been waiting a year for.
It's like when the waiter first sets down the Appletini that is so full it's sloshing over the rim of the glass.
Now you get it.

*Relax, it's Thursday night. Somewhere. 

And here we are. 
Memorial Day weekend.
Summer's Eve
Nope, still can't even type it without chuckling. 

Now, let's get to the favorites. 
To honor both the true meaning of the weekend and pay tribute to how we actually spend it, there's a theme this week.

And contrary to the title of this post,  it's not feminine flushing.

1. Real Heroes -

A little over six months ago I wrote a post titled, Be Brave, Be Strong, Kick Ass for my brother-in-law who was about to be deployed to Afghanistan for nine months. Take a minute and read it if you can. It's got a far more important message than hot dogs and board games. He's still there doing the good work (only two and a half months to go!) and this weekend I'll certainly be thinking of him a little more than usual. Because while Memorial Day is a day set aside to honor and remember the fallen, I believe it's also a day to think about the brave men and women who are selflessly continuing the mission and about their families at home who are sacrificing so much. 
So while I'm eating my grilled hot dog and drinking an ice-cold beer, I'll be thinking of all of them, sending lots of good juju their way, and offering up thanks. 

2. Nathan's Hot Dogs -

I'm not a huge hot-dog connoisseur, but if I'm gonna eat a wiener, I'm eating Nathan's (insert husband joke here). 

3. Chips - it's what's for dinner-
Since I do my best to avoid chips throughout the year so that when summer comes I can indulge without guilt (and yes, I realize that does not make any sense), Memorial Day kicks off my summertime chippapalooza.

My three addictions?

Seriously, think of me tonight at about 6:00.
I'll be ripping through a bag of Kettle Chips — on my own — and not even thinking about the consequences. 
And I'll bet I have a smile on my face as big as Nathan's. 

3. Board Games -
Fun fact: In Minnesota in the summer, the sun doesn't set until after 9 p.m. and it's not dark until around 10.  "Fun" because it means that when we're at the lake we're outside until super late (coated in DEET 'till we shine, obviously). But we definitely make it a point to come in early once in awhile and have an old-fashioned game night.  With boards, not screens*. 
Here's a few of our tried and true family favorites (and for those of you with kids under the age of eight, stick with night does eventually get less painful). 

Loaded Questions

We've loved this game for years, and it's even more fun when we play it with visiting friends.
The premise is simple: One person asks a question, everyone writes down their answers, and then one person has to guess who said what.
It's hilarious.
Worried your young players won't be able to follow along?
Worry NOT.
If they can write, they can play. 
And speaking from experience, it's usually their answers that bring the table to hysterical tears. 
Hands down, our favorite game to play with a group.

Wise and Otherwise

This game has been our family's favorite since about 1995. And when I say "family", I mean extended family, too. We have a lot of history and millions of laughs associated with this game.
It's only been in the past few years that we (our family of four) have been able to really play it, as you need to be able to read and write and do a bit of higher level thinking to play it successfully. 
It's a lot like Loaded Questions, but instead of answering questions, you are completing quotes.

Everyone writes down their own ending which are all read with the correct one, and one person has to guess which one is the original.

It can go one of two ways.

With our family, it usually goes the way of the absurd rather quickly.
And that's what makes it so fun.

*Head's Up
So this one does require a screen, but it's our newest favorite, thanks to another favorite, Ellen DeGeneres.

Do you like charades but hate having to think up categories?
Do you have an iphone or ipad?
You.Must.Buy.This.Game. (It's only like $2.)
Not only is it instant charades (with a variety of categories), it videotapes you so you can watch (i.e., prove to your partner she's an idiot for not knowing you're "packing a suitcase") and even share to facebook, twitter, or your blog - 

{Oh, look! It's another one of my very favorites — Lauren Graham!}

It's mine and the Things' newest favorite. 
Try it and let me know what you think. 

So that's a wrap. 
I've gotta get the car packed and hit the road with the other 500,000 people heading north. Thank goodness I'll have all those bags of chips to snack on. 


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  1. Drive safe! Enjoy the day - the Eve is leading to great things! We're taking out the RV - learning to love that sucker - AC and cover from the rain and some escape from the state bug (if the kids close the door!?).

    Enjoy your time - can't wait to see pictures!

    PS - I need you to sign another book - I forgot the one I had when I met Snarkfest and Naps Happen!!!

    1. Jealous of your RV!! I've always loved those!
      I'll be happy to sign a book -- sounds like a good excuse to meet up! :)

  2. Yay! Summer! Have a wonderful start to your Happy Place Hiatus!

    1. Thank you! Even though summer doesn't officially begin for two more weeks and despite the fact that it's 63°, I'm feelin' it I tell ya!!

  3. I'm definitely looking into that "Loaded Questions" game. We have a blast with Apples to Apples, usually at the expense of other family members. Have a safe trip, enjoy yourself and watch those skeeters!!

    And I'm sorry, but you knew SOMEONE had to go there:

    Yes, they're still in the douchebag biz.

    1. I would've been disappointed if you HADN'T checked that out for me!

      Your family must get Loaded Questions. We don't even use the board anymore -- just keep track of how many the "guesser" gets right. The answers that people give are hilarious.

  4. I am the same as you with "eves". It's much more exciting right before something special than when it's about to end!!! Enjoy your Summers Eve. HA!!!!! Now I'm totally wondering about the actual product as well!


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.