Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday Favorites - Places I like to hang...and one I don't.

I love the month of May for so many reasons. 
It's Thing 2's birthday month; I can wear flip-flops; I can open all my windows and enjoy the warm(ish) spring breezes;  I can finally plant buckets full of flowers, and (best yet) I'm thisclose to spending days upon days upon days at my happiest place on earth.

Well, in the brilliant words of Mr. Meatloaf, two out of three ain't bad. 
For those of you counting, yes, it was five. Sheesh. 

You guys, last weekend it was 80°. Eighty. Degrees.
Wednesday, yesterday and today?
40°. And snowing. 
Thankfully it didn't stick at all where I live, but places only about half an hour east of me got 6". I heard Colorado got hit too (Holla Colorado!). 
What the hell? 

But I'm over it. 
I promise not to bitch about the cold weather anymore.
At least until next week.  

Moving on (which I must do or I will start drinking so those snowflakes falling outside my window will magically turn into rainbow confetti). 

For the Favorites this week I've decided to tell you where I like to hang on a regular basis (and despite what you might think you know about me, it's not the bar in my basement. Well, it is, but these places are awesome, too). 

"In The Powder Room (formerly Powder Room Graffiti) has been entertaining women online since 2009 with the funniest and most irreverent articles, written by the very best women writers. When you're In The Powder Room, you can have a laugh, share your opinions and enjoy the interactions with other women who are very much like you."

"Irreverent"? Uh, yeah. Check out one of my all-time favorite posts by the hilarious Kim Bongiorno (who just happens to be one of my co-authors in this awesome book) ~
I dare you to not click that link (after you're finished here, obviously). 

After you've read it, stick around the Powder Room for awhile. I promise you'll find all sorts of short (yay) posts that'll make you pee your pants and wish you really were in the powder room. 

2.) Mamapedia -
"Mamapedia connects moms at every stage of their children's lives to compelling content from the source they trust most: other moms. Every day, moms turn to for advice on everything moms need: parenting, health, family, finance, pregnancy, nutrition, and travel; and on children of every age from infant to adult. Our vibrant local community network (formerly known as Mamasource) offers a place where moms can connect with each other in a supportive environment that serves as their very own local online moms group."

Mamapedia is another fab site for moms who want to read posts about topics that make them laugh, think (imagine that), relate to and sometimes disagree with. There's also a helpful Q&A board where every day questions are posted from moms just like you and then answered...well, by moms who might just know more than you. Nah, but certainly from moms who might have "been there - done that" and can offer helpful advice. Free advice that I can take or leave? I'll take it! Or leave it...
Oh, and the fact that I've been featured twice in the past few weeks on "Mamapedia Voices"? 
Makes me love it even more. Duh. 
Honestly, I'm really excited and honored to have been published on such a great site. Check it out! 

*In case you missed the posts (and if you don't follow me on Facebook or Twitter you totally did), here you go. Really, it's no problem. I do it for you. 

3.) Canopi -
This is a shiny new bulletin board type site, where you can easily follow the blogs you love, and find great new ones. 
"Canopi is the new way to find the blogs you can’t get enough of. Canopi allows you to easily discover, organize, follow and share blogs that are relevant to your interests and passions. By creating an innovative online community for dedicated, passionate readers, Canopi has developed a space for you to engage in a meaningful way about the topics you care about most."
I signed up about a month ago and have already had a post on the top of the leaderboard (the picky eaters one, which has become my second most viewed post of all-time. By "all-time" I mean 14 months...but still). 
Give Canopi a try! And if you do, make sure and follow this blog right here.


While hanging out at any one of ^^^those^^^places is fun and so, so much better than folding laundry or scrubbing a bathroom, you know one place I've decided I definitely do not like to hang? 
The zoo. 
When the Things were little we'd go all the time and I think liked it just fine (except for the bathrooms...and the animals that smelled) but now? Not so much. 
To celebrate the 80 degree day last weekend we decided to go to the Minnesota Zoo. The girls were ecstatic. They haven't been in two years. Don't give me grief. It's what happens. 
Plus, Thing 1 is obsessed with sloths and the zoo had a new sloth baby a month ago that she's been dying to see.

I really don't know where this new fascination with sloths came from, but lately every time she watches a sloth video on YouTube (shut up - it's a lot better than most of the other things she could be watching on YouTube) she pretty much pulls a "Kristen Bell" -

Still one of my most favorite tv/youtube moments ever.
Link to full video is at the end.

But I digress.
Back to the zoo.
It's not as much the zoo I hate.
It's people.

Hundreds of crabby people yelling at their kids. Kids crying. Heavily tattooed and inappropriately dressed teen moms with three kids under the age of five hanging off of her while the "dad" (?) in the low rider jeans and sideways cap shuffles along in the middle of the sidewalk, texting. 
And strollers.
Good gracious god. Hundreds and hundreds of strollers.
It got to the point where I started a game called, "How Many 'Normal' families Can You Spot". And by "normal" I meant clean. Appropriately dressed for the zoo. Appearing to enjoy themselves. 
I spotted five. 
And we were one of them. 

Oh, here's the Kristen Bell sloth video. 
It's so fabulous.

What about you? Have any good websites where you like to waste time hang out that I should know about? Any places you go that drive you crazy?

Have a great weekend!
I'll be popping anti-depressants and lovingly stroking my flip-flops. 

Click this button if you think most of the PEOPLE at the zoo should be put in cages. 
Vote for me @ Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory


  1. Thank you. That was the most amazing video and a great way to end my day of starring at a computer.

  2. The people you saw at the zoo??? Most days they are at Walmart... pretty sure about that.

  3. Love that video so much. When I first came across it I bet I watched it 10 times. If you can watch it and NOT think Kristen Bell is just about the cutest thing in the world, something is just not right.

  4. I want to put Kristin Bell in my pocket, she's so damn cute.

    I just signed up for Canopi, and am excited to waste the rest of my day on it!


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.