Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Guess what today is?
If you answered "Soulful Motown singer Marvin Gaye's birthday" you'd be correct, but that's not what I'm referring to. 
Today the Kindle and Nook versions of the newest Life Well Blogged book was released, and I have a post in it!

I just got the Kindle version and because I'm sick in bed (stay tuned) have been reading and laughing my way through this little gem. Seriously funny stuff by a whole bunch of bloggers - some new to me and a few old "friends" as well. 

And the best part? The best part is that a good portion of the proceeds from this book will go to support Autism Speaks, and you wanna know another thing today is? 

Fitting, isn't it?

The book is available NOW on Kindle (for only $2.99!), and you can easily purchase it over there on the right through that handy dandy link I just made. See it? Try it! Buy it! I promise you'll laugh, and your laughter will be helping a worthwhile and important cause. It will also be available in soft cover in a week or so.

Oh, and by the way, I didn't write about sex in this book. 
The Things are so relieved. 

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  1. So cool having your words out their for the masses to buy! Congrats!

  2. My entire month's food budget is going to be spent on awesome books by awesome bloggers. It's too much awesomeness!


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.