Friday, March 29, 2013

Friday Favorites - Music, Movies and Adam Levine.

You know how you feel when it's been a long week and it's finally Friday and you have nothing on the schedule for the weekend except sleeping in and watching movies and maybe reading a super good book I Just Want To Pee Alone available HERE
Well, multiply that feeling times 100 and you'll know how Thing 1 felt on Wednesday when she came home after the last day of the third quarter and the last day of an AP class that had just slayed her for 27 weeks (but that she ended with an 'A' in. Smart girls totally rule) and was staring in the face of Spring Break.

Yeah, she felt a lot like George Michael. 
As in Bluth.
Not as in -
(Fun fact - I adored Wham! in high school and had this exact shirt.
Never thought of it as a rights statement - I still don't think it was -
until a teacher told me I shouldn't be wearing it to school.
 I was more than a little mortified.
Honestly, it had never crossed my mind.
Now you're wondering where Thing 1gets her smart genes, aren't you? )

Anyway, the Friday gif up there is dedicated to her.  Some kids get money for good grades. My kid gets a gif and a shout out.
Reason #73 it sucks to be the kid of a mom who blogs.

So since relaxing means watching movies and television and listening to great music, no matter if you're 17 or fortysomething, I'm dedicating the Friday Favorites this week to a few of my...well....current favorite movies and t.v. shows and music. 
Great segue, huh? There's a reason I don't get paid for this.

1.  Sight of the Sun - Fun. -
The other night I was watching the season 2 finale of "Girls" and the song that was played over the closing credits just floored me. Despite it being after midnight, I googled it, discovered it was by fun. (no stopping at that '.')  and that it was only available on the "Girls" soundtrack. $12.99. Crap. Went to sleep. The next day that damn song was haunting me, I tell you. So I convinced myself that I'd surely love all the other songs on the album and bought it. I don't, but I love this song so much it was worth the $13 all by itself. 

2. This Is 40 -

I'd been dying to see this movie since it came out because anything Judd Apatow does is brilliant, and finally watched it last weekend. If you've ever wanted to tell off the 13 year old who's bullying your kid AND your father in law, you'll love it. There's a brief moment when it brings you down for a moment, which isn't really ideal in a comedy, but since it's done with honesty and candor it works.  Oh, and Melissa McCarthy is back to her Bridesmaids brilliance. Watch the extras - especially the "line-O-rama". You'll roll.

And this scene will make you wish they'd share that cookie recipe.

3.  Suburgatory -

Honestly, I wouldn't even know this show existed had it not been on right after "The Bachelor". But since the girl reminded me of one of my best friends in high school I gave it a try, and immediately went to iTunes and downloaded the first season so I could watch it from the beginning. Reminds me in an inexplicable way of "My So Called Life". 
Plus, there's these two, who I could watch make this face for 30 minutes alone - 

Best show nobody's watching.

4.  The Voice - Blind Auditions -

I stopped watching the Voice last season because being subjected to Christina Aguilera was giving me serious rage. In case you forgot exactly how I feel about that tramp, feel free to refresh your memory HERE. But this year that beeyatch is gone (presumably working on an album...tour...her skankiness) and so I watched. Adam Levine. And loved every minute if it. Adam Levine. I think the blind auditions are the best part of the show anyway, but the chemistry between Blake, Usher, Shakira and Adam is hilarious. 

Plus, for the first time on this show, there's no one in clown hats and man-kinis.

So far most of the contestants are ah-mazing, and I'm excited to see who ends up winning the instant fame and the record deal  performance slot at the NBC Rockefeller Center Tree Lighting Ceremony.  
So I'll keep watching.
If for no other reason than to be able to look at this -

without having to endure this -

And that's reason enough for me. 

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  1. I started watching again for Adam, but much better without Christina!!! And Cee Lo and his annoying face.

    1. ...and dinosaur arms...and Oompa Loompa outfits...and creepy cat...

  2. So happy Christina is not on the show anymore - most annoying person ever!!

    1. Thank you!! I always knew you had superb taste in celebrities! ;)

  3. I really need to watch 'This is 40'. I don't watch 'The Voice' because the Disney Channel has hijacked my television.


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