Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday Faves ~ The week in Pop Culture (or the one where Elmo should learn a safeword)

This week's FF is dedicated to a few of my fave moments from the week in pop culture, and what better way to start it off than with Channing Tatum ripping his shirt open.
And even though I think he's a tool, I'll admit it's a nice image and I maybe cannot stop watching it as I'm typing.
Sure, he's sexy - no doubt.
But 'Sexiest Man Alive'?
He seems kind of like a dud, a bore, a tool (it bears repeating) and I honestly don't find him attractive.
His face anyway.
I think 'sexy' should also take into account intelligence and sense of humor and personali....oh screw it. I can't stop watching the above image. Never mind.

Baby, Baby, Baby...thought you'd always be mine
America's sweethearts are no more.  Shocking.

Where were you when it happened?

And btw, we have never been Beliebers in this house. He disgusts us. Maybe he's a fine fellow who is kind to his fans and donates money to charity, but I've always felt he was such a twerpy little poser.

*sidenote - In doing my research for this post (which a good investigative blogger always does, especially when they do not want to empty the dishwasher and fold the laundry), I stumbled across the lyrics to his song 'Boyfriend'...and didn't stop laughing for a solid 3 minutes. Most ridiculous parts in bold.

If I was your boyfriend, I’d never let you go
I can take you places you ain't never been before
Baby, take a chance or you’ll never ever know
I got money in my hands that I’d really like to blow
Swag, swag, swag, on you (wtf does that mean?)
Chillin' by the fire while we eatin’ fondue (fondue? Really? That's what you came up with? Who even eats fondue? 1974 is pretty happy right now, though)
I don't know about me but I know about you (Oh! I get it now. Fondue rhymes with you. Nicely done)
So say hello to falsetto in three, two, swag (3-2-swag? wtf does that mean? again?)

Tell me what you like yeah tell me what you don’t
                               I could be your Buzz Lightyear (srsly, where did that come from? Oh, wait, I get it, gotta cater to the pre-teen demographic. Although, on second thought, wait. Ew. On so many levels.), fly across the globe
I don’t ever wanna fight yeah, you already know
Imma (that word just makes me want to punch you in the throat) make you shine bright like you’re laying in the snow
Burr Girlfriend, girlfriend, you could be my girlfriend
You could be my girlfriend until the w-w-world ends
Make you dance do a spin and a twirl 
and Voice goin crazy on this hook like a whirlwind (if by 'crazy' you mean 'horrible', then yeah. And that is an idiotic lyric, btw)
Swaggie (see caption below)

Saggy 'aint Swaggie.
Just sayin.

Tickling isn't all Elmo is into (allegedly)

Watch where you put your hands, mister.

This story made me sad.
Not because Kevin Clash enjoyed his, uh, relationship so much (as evidenced by the marginally disturbing emails he sent) but because it was splashed all over the news and social media and late night TV and then turned out to be just a disturbed weirdo looking to take down Elmo.

Let's just keep Elmo out of it, shall we?
Although, on second thought, his 52 year old 'controller' was having sex with an 18 year old.
Elmo better watch his back.
Word of the day?

Friends complete series released on Blu Ray

No explanation as to the reason for this inclusion in the FF list, except to say that now that Thing 1 is 17 I've decided she's old enough to be introduced to all 236 brilliant episodes.  And I'll be watching them all (again) with her.  

And in honor of Thanksgiving, enjoy a scene from one of the funniest Thanksgiving episodes ever, back when Brad Pitt looked like, well, Brad Pitt.

Enjoy the weekend.
I'm thinking of spending tomorrow night with Bond. James Bond.
Although now that the above gif has been burned into my eye-sockets, I might need to swing by the RedBox and pick up Magic Mike.
Decisions, decisions....


  1. 17 and no friends yet? You are slacking!!! :-) We are going to Bond it up this weekend too I think, in IMAX nonetheless ha!

  2. I'm a little embarrassed to admit this....but, I'm a fan of the Beibs!!

  3. I am laughing out loud at your commentary on the Beiber lyrics....holy,crap. So. Funny.

  4. Ha ha. I'm not a super Beiber either, but he definitely isn't the worst of the celebs out there.
    Man, I love Friends. That scene is HILARIOUS :)

  5. Swag? I thought he was saying SWIPE. Like he is going to go and swipe his credit card and buy many a fine things. Dang it. I hate when I get the lyrics wrong.

  6. As a BiebeL I'm hysterical at your commentary on BiebeR's amazing lyrics. And thanks for that Friend's clip. I still love that show. Now I'm going to hit Publish and scroll back up and stare at that GIF for another hour or so.

  7. OK... first I should mention that I LOVE the Bieb, so there's that. But your judging of the lyrics... HILARIOUS!! :)


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.