Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hot Hollywood Hell - chock full of hellishness.

The other day as I was flipping through magazines, I realized that I haven't done an installment of Hot Hollywood Hell in a really long time.  I'm kind of disappointed in myself.  There have been so many fabulously wrong choices ( over the past several months.  And don't worry, it's not because I have stopped reading UsWeekly, People and EW on a weekly basis or stopped checking the websites on a daily basis (because that would mean I was either being held hostage in an underground bunker or dead) it's just simply because I've had a lot more to say about a lot more crucial  and vitally important things than Mariah's stripper shoes or Beyonce's see through dress (like X-rated texts from single men and my fantasy dinner party guest list. Duh).

So to make up for a lot of lost time, this is an bonus edition.  Enjoy.

HHH #1. 

Girlfriend thinks this look is edgy and rockin'.
It's not.
Sister thinks she looks tough and badass and grungy all at once.
She doesn't.
"I've never felt so me!!" she says.
Umm....don't you mean
"Bitch stole my look."


Oh, good lord.
Somebody please have the balls to tell her she is not 30.
Hell, she's not even 40.
Time to pack away the lace negligee, thigh-high boots and for god's sake woman, fingerless gloves 
have not been anywhere close to an okay fashion choice since 1988 (unless you are a woodsman).
And holy hell look at her arms!!
 (for a minute I seriously thought she was wearing a 
wrinkled long-sleeved t-shirt).  
Are we sure this guy wasn't missing his arms along with his brain?
It's okay, Scarecrow...we found them!  Madonna had them all along.

HHH #3.  

Can you spot it?

Umm...pretty sure it's not a safe idea to wrap a scarf (or anything else)

"But she looked so totally matched her pants." sobbed Jessica as CPS 
removed baby Maxwell from the home.

HHH #4

Have you seen this ad??
So NOT her body!!
So not anybody's body.
 Except maybe hers -

What happened to Xtina's big splooshy boobs? Where did they go?
And the arm, besides looking broken, is seriously a replica of the one 
on the Barbie (cocked wrist included).

You might remember how I feel about Lady Marmalade from this post
so it's no surprise that I'll pounce on any opportunity to slander her.  
Let's just call a hoe spade a hoe spade, though.  

Ahh...there's the big splooshy boobs.
(And meaty arms.)

HHH #5. 

That's the exact tat I was planning on getting under my boobs.
Thanks a lot, RIHANNA.

And now, because you had to endure all of the the above, you've earned this delicious photo - 

Come ON.
This is ridICulous.

You are welcome.


  1. haha i love this! rianna's tat :/ and thank you for that xtina pic :)

  2. LOL!!! Sooooooooooo SPOT ON. Hilarious, Michelle. LOVE your comparison between Madonna and the Scarecrow; FUNNY. And that Christina photo? My gawd. Who do they think they're fooling?? And Rihanna's tat? Eeeeesh. Kiiiinda cool (only a little bit, in my opinion) but think of HOW weird that is going to look in like 20 years when gravity starts to work on her???

  3. All I keep thinking with Rihanna's tat is if/when she's will it look afterwards? ps I'm so happy to be a new follower bc I too am slightly (ok majorly) addicted to hollywood gossip. Miley's wedding is so never gonna happen! pps i'm adding this because i have just failed 4 times at the captcha. hope this works this time!

    1. Captcha?? I have captcha?? CRAP! I hate it when I have to go through that! I never even knew there were comment setiings (until I just found them). hahaha...seriously, I'm a blogging fail when it comes to all that stuff. Thanks for reading...for following...for appreciating good Hollywood juice...and for leading me to removing the damned captcha!! :)

  4. OH MY GOODNESS! I'm dying! I need to comment on every one. :)

    Miley - oh honey. Only one person can rock the bleached rocker cut, and it's NOT you.

    Madonna - Ugh. Gross. I can't even begin. How does someone's arms get like that?

    J Simpson - OK. First, there's a scarf tied around her baby. Second, it's in a KNOT! NOT ok.

    Xtina - dude. First... that pic is totally of a Barbie doll. And it's creepy how gross that arm looks. Photoshop fail. Second... Xtina might want to invest in some stock for a brassiere company. She's going to need it. Those suckers are destined to be locked in a bra FOREVER. Huge. Huge. Huge. Huge.

  5. Thanks so much for this! i need laughs today!!!!
    Miley looks like a boy in that haircut i think, and it's just too much boobs from x-tina

  6. Did you see the lovely tat Chris Brown got on the side of his neck that is a picture of a woman who was physically abused? It is just amazing eye and everything. Ugh dislike him sooooo much. I also think Pink should pull Miley aside and either coach her in how to dress or knock her upside the head. Haven't decided yet.

  7. haha, love these! Thanks for the laughs!

  8. What the hell is going on with Madonna? I'm 30 (ish) and I am way too old to dress like that! The arms are super scary. As for Rhianna, damn that tat is going to look amazing when her tits sag either side of it! What is wrong with these people. The worst pic has to be Beckham though. Sorry, but he makes me want to barf.

  9. you're so right that miley is going all p!nk on us.

    and that tat... wow. why oh whyyyy?

  10. LOL You are so spot on on every single one of these pics. YIKES!! Xtina's arm?? WTF?

    And thanks for sharing that last photo - YUM!

  11. hahahaha you are better than Joan Rivers. You should totally have a gig on Fashion Police. Maybe a mom edition or something?? That was a crap ton of photoshopping on Christina...what is that all about? Totes not the same person I saw WITH NO PANTS (and a weird, sparkly body suit) on The Voice last season.

    1. I second that! Mom edition of fashion police!! love it!!

      ps-MORE SAHMP please! ;-)

  12. You are so hilarious!! I can not believe that Madonna's arms really look so gross. Blech!


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.