Thursday, September 13, 2012

Everything but the kitchen sink.

If you read UsWeekly....well...weekly like I do, you are familiar with the running bit they do called "What's in my bag?"
Here's Leann's $2,000 Fendi bag.  I'm surprised to see gum in there.  Doesn't each piece have like 2 calories?
And every week, I look at each item so carefully, as if - as if - those are really their purses and not just a prop that a stylist has strewn about so perfectly.

So as I reached into my purse the other day to try to find my keys and instead found old coupons, receipts, used kleenex and squashed Junior Mints (not in the box), I thought I bet my blog kids would like to see what's in my purse (nod your along...because it took me like an hour to make this photo.  Thank you).

1.  Candy. Always. Here is an empty bag of my beloved Sweedish Fish (note to self: buy more Sweedish Fish) and a Big Hunk.  I loved Big Hunks when I was a kid. In fact, I think I might have lost a filling once thanks to Big Hunk.  I recently found the nougaty-marshmallowy-peanuty goodness at the grocery store by our cabin and bought two of them.  Saving this one for a rainy day (or, more likely, until the wrapper tears and it sticks to the side of my purse).  Carrying it around with me until then.

2.  Michaels 50% off coupons.  Gold.  I adore Michaels.  I think I'm so crafty when I'm there...until I get home.

3.  Advil.  My addiction.  I'm a recovering migraine sufferer (still get them from time to time) so I'm never - never - without my headache meds.  The bottle under the classy Revlon powder is full of Excedrin migraine and old Imitrex.  First thing I transfer when I switch purses.

4.  Coupons.  This one is surprisingly not expired and is from Bath & Body Works, where I'd like to hunker down and live for like a month.  But there are like 3 others in there (it's like Where's Waldo - can you spot them?) that expired in July.  That green wallet (from 2009) is also stuffed so full of expired coupon cards that it's hard to close.

5.  Sunscreen.  If you're a long time loyal reader, you might remember that my skin tone is similar to the  underbelly of a frog and that I'm on a first name basis with my dermatologist, Edward Scissorhands.  Sunscreen is a must, no matter what the season.

6.  '7' lipgloss.  I wish I could give you more info, but all I know is that I get it at Target - in bulk.  I have one in my purse, one in my car, one in my makeup case and one at the cabin.  I've worn it for a couple of years and I love it.  Same goes for that Burt's Bees lipstick above it.  Worn that for 4 years.  Hard to find now, but when I do I buy like 3 of them.

7.  My credit card case.  A few years ago a crook stole my wallet right out of my purse in my unlocked parked car!  The police suggested that I separate my credit cards from my cash because robbers will go for the wallet first.  Since then I've always had this little case.  And besides, Barbie makes me smile every time I pull it out.  Which is often.  What can I say? I like to smile.

8.  Sunglasses.  Coach (whatever).  I only say that because I usually buy things like sunglasses at Target but these were a birthday gift a couple of years ago and I still love them.  And you can tell how well I take care of them...tossed in the purse without a case.

9.  More candy.

10.  Random confetti stars I bought at Michaels.  They were colorful and sparkly and fun.  Duh.

11.  Pepto.  Here's a little too much information for you - I have the digestive system of an 85 year old man.  One greasy burger and it's all over.  So I take Pepto before every meal I eat out.  No lie.  It's magic I tell ya.

12.  Hand Sanitizer.  Another addiction.  This bottle happens to be empty (note to self: when you go to Target tomorrow to buy Sweedish Fish, buy more hand sanitizer).  I also keep a gigantic bottle in my car and use a squirt every time I get back in my car throughout the day.  I also don't get sick much (so stop laughing).

Oh, and the bag?  TheSak. $80 on sale. I know this even though it was a birthday present, because I was there when it was purchased. I Love it.  Moves from spring to summer to fall seamlessly with that goldish color.  And (best of all), it's roomy enough to hold a lot of candy.

That's what's in my bag.

3 things that are in yours that you can't live without??


  1. Advil Migraine for me!!! what do you mean a recovering migraine sufferer? I ask because i am a current migraine sufferer.
    Lipgloss is my second item.
    MAC studio fx powder.

    and of course the important stuff like keys, money, wallet. LOL

  2. Excedrin - I also suffer from frequent headaches/occasional migraines. It is my NUMBER 1 thing by far. I love the idea of your barbie case. I will separate my credit cards from my cash asap. Great advice!

  3. haha, I love this. I like that you're showing us the honest contents of your purse.

    I'm looking inside mine right now. The things in here I can't live without- sunglasses, foot balm, and lip balm.

    Yep- I said foot balm. Kelowna is like a freaking desert and I HATE when my feet get dry. I put foot balm on under my desk when no one is looking, and then I take it home and use it before bed, too.

    I'm an old lady.

    The weirdest thing in my purse- boarding passes from a flight back in July. I'm unorganized.

  4. I've been meaning to do a "whats in my bag" post for a while... and now I have a reason to-- to play along with you :-) Love your Michael's coupon description LOL! And the credit card case is really interesting! LOVE the purse too, so pretty!!

  5. I am obsessed with big hunks! So much so that whenever I get packages/presents from back home a few bars are always included (they dont sell them ANYWHERE in MO!)

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I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.