Friday, June 29, 2012

Weekly Favorites canceled on account of Ann Curry and a Lonely Goatherd.

I think it's Friday.  And I think the little numbers up on the top right corner of my screen say "8:01 AM".
I'm not sure, because I'm having a hard time opening my eyes.  Which is the opposite of hilariously funny to me because about 6 hours ago I could not seem to keep them closed.
Insomnia strikes again.
Me, who loves sleep as much as she loves a good Choco-tini and a rose ceremony full of compelling pauses and unexpected departures.
And it pisses me off.

Let me break it down for you...

10:15 PM - Leave the Thea-tah with my Mama and the Things after a lovely performance of "Roman Holiday" and start the 30 min. drive home with heavy eyes and delicious thoughts of laying my weary and sleepy head down on my perfect pillow as soon as I walk through the door.

11:00 PM - Jammies on, face washed, stop off at the computer to quickly check the blog/email/facebook.  And by 'quickly' I mean getting sucked into reading other blogs that just posted/returning 2 emails/sharing a photo-updating status-and looking at a friend's 59 vacation photos.

11:35 PM - Settle my little head onto pillow and open Pearl (the iPad. Follow along) just to check my 'Draw Something' quickly.  I've got 2 heated games going at over 150 turns each.  Draw 4 pictures. Send. Read 2 pages of new Kindle book, Gone Girl, find it disturbing (plus by now my eyes are supremely gritty), set alarm for 9:22 so I don't sleep until 10 (shut up), turn out light.

11:45 PM - Think of something to add to a blog post I started earlier.  Turn on Pearl and make a few notes.

11:51 PM - Begin writing another blog post in my head. Resist actually writing it down because I really want to sleep.  Besides, I'll remember it in the morning (I do not).

12:20 AM - Begin singing songs from "The Sound of Music" in my head. Over and over and over. I have no explanation.

12:45 AM - Husband comes to bed.  I make him stroke my hair.  This lasts for about 2 minutes before   he  v-e-r-y slowly slows down and removes hand (exactly like we used to do with the Things when they were babies and we'd lay them down in their cribs) turns over and proceeds to immediately fall asleep.

1:00 AM - the snoring starts.  Now, in Husband's defense, it really wasn't that out-of-control (except for the one where I was pretty sure he inhaled one of the cats) and I probably sleep through it most of the time.  But when you've been trying to sleep for over an hour with no luck, it's not time to be polite.

1:15 AM - Husband, very generously and quietly (and tired of me tossing and flipping my pillow and accidentally bumping into him with every snore), takes his pillow and gets the hell outta dodge.

1:20 AM - Wonder if my friends took their turn on 'Draw Something' or if anyone else read my blog in the past hour (don't even judge).  Turn Pearl back on.  Reset alarm for 9:42 (I'll really need those extra 20 minutes).

1:25 AM - Ponder how Ann Curry's night was and if she's looking forward to sleeping in in the morning.

1:30 AM - Begin singing 'Call me Maybe' over and over in my head to try and drown out 'The Lonely Goatherd'.  It's the only song I could think of for some reason (oh, I know! it's because it's on the radio like 4000x a day).

2:00 AM - Feel like maybe I dozed off for a bit!  Hooray!  But no, wait...I'm awake.  Shit.

7:40 AM - Husband, because he's so nice and thoughtful and loves me so much, rubs my head and gives me a kiss on the cheek as he leaves, which, of course, wakes me up.  But, really, how can I be mad? (and because I know that he is reading this).

7:41 AM - Trying to remember that damn blog idea I had at 11:50.  But then remember it is Friday and I need to write a 'favorites' post and send an email with a guest post and I have to clean my bathroom and do 2 loads of laundry and run to Target and take Thing 2 to Michaels and try to get on the road to the Happy Place before 2 and wondering when in the Hell I'm gonna fit in a nap....

So as you can see kids, it was an eventful night.  My brain hurts and I'm exhausted. So no favorites in the usual format this week.  Instead, I'm linking up with Lauren for the first time and doing favorites her way.


High Five for...

...A weekend so beautiful last week that the Things and I stayed up at the Happy Place for an extra day.

...More sunny weather this weekend and a perfect forecast for next week which is warming up the water temp so I can play in the lake with Thing 2 and float and float and float without being covered in goose bumps the size of Garbonza beans.

...This show.  Hilarious.  

...and this show.  Hilarious yet shockingly filthy which makes it even more hilarious.

...This cup of coffee I'm about to drink.

...and because if you can't beat 'em, join 'em - I'll leave you with this - 

Enjoy your Friday!!


  1. I love this! This sounds like most nights for me, minus the husband parts. I'm new glad I stumbled across your blog.

  2. Awesome post! And I am wondering about Ann Curry as well.

  3. Oh how I love this! Have fun at the cabin this weekend! = )

  4. Your breakdown of your evening made me giggle. Sorry to be so insensitive, it's just I can so relate. I hate nights like that when your brain just won't shut off.

  5. Insomnia just plain sucks huh?? My munchkin is often awake at all hours of the night with insomnia...maybe I'll send her to guys can stay awake together so this momma can get some sleep!! lol (totally kidding!! Well...sort of!)
    ♥ Kyna


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.