Friday, May 25, 2012

Weekly favorites - time to break out the chips and go to my Happy Place.

It's Memorial Day weekend which can only mean one thing - I survived the month of May.

A couple of months ago as I kept squishing trips, birthdays, parties, rehearsals, deadlines, obligations of many shapes and sizes, banquets and concerts, and all kinds of appointments into the month of MAY on my handy iCal (which I couldn't live without, btw),  I kept saying (to myself, Husband, friends, various store clerks...), 
"The month of May is gonna be a bitch." 

Well, I'm here to tell you it was....and it wasn't .  

It was definitely jam packed (especially now that I spend a couple of hours every day doing blog related things.....that definitely weren't scheduled on my iCal), and I really feel like every night I collapse into bed having gone 100 miles an hour since waking up (my napping schedule has been severely interrupted this month),'s been a month full of family milestones and all sorts of good things.  

And now it's Memorial Day.
Which means 2 things.
Which are this week's favorites (nice segway).

I don't usually buy potato chips because I'd eat them. Every day.
I buy those little individual packs for the Things' lunches so I won't be tempted to eat an entire bag.  Plus, I only buy them the kinds I don't like. I'm thoughtful like that.
But summer weekends I give myself permission to binge (which thankfully - for my shorts - usually loses it's appeal by mid-July) on chips, pizza and taffy (which are favorites for another time).  And since I consider Memorial Day Weekend the official start of summer, I'm flying to Target as soon as I'm finished with this post and will not be at all embarrassed by the 3 bags of chips that will be the first things in my cart (I'm not sure what the rest of the family will eat this weekend).
So, in no particular order, I present to you the crown jewels of my summer-time gluttony.

I'm not lying, my mouth is watering just looking at these photos.  

2.  My Happy Place -
Memorial Day weekend also means it's make the first summer trip to my Happy Place, which is such an important part of my life that I've given it its own tab up at the top of my blog. Or you can read about it here.
And it's where I'm takin' the chips later on today.  

So wherever your weekend takes you, I hope it's Happy...and that there's a giant bowl full of chips!


  1. Cool Ranch Doritos, Nacho Cheese and Cheddar Ruffles. Those are my go-tos. Cheers to the weekend!

  2. I do the SAME thing with chips - I'm always so afraid I'm just going to scarf them all down and then it's just bad-news-bears from there. Love your blog!


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.