Friday, April 20, 2012

Weekly favorites - sick girl edition

I'm stuck at home for the 2nd day with a mucky, gunky, nose-blowing honking, coughing-coughing- coughing, hasn't-slept-in-2-nights, Thing 2.  I feel so bad for her. And all right, I'll admit it, me.  I've tried to sleep through the incessant coughing (I sleepily yell, "you ok??, praying that she'll say "yes" so I don't have to actually get out of bed, or as is much more likely the case, stumble into her room, make the obligatory check of the forehead, re-tuck the covers, give about 5 half-hearted hair strokes before I'm back in bed, praying that she will sleep for longer than an hour), have picked up about 500 soggy kleenexes off the floor (surrounding the grocery bag - never actually in it), have administered Mucinex and honey and zinc lozenges and toast and popsicles and glasses of ice water, and will have Vick's Vapor rub under my fingernails for the next week.
And before you get all judgey about my complaining, let me add that I had plans today. I was going to Pier One and Old Navy and Anthropologie - with a stop for lunch at Baja Sol, which I adore - and now I've had to resort to vacuuming, laundry and some old Oscar Meyer Turkey on Triscuits.  Now do you understand? (Admit it, you kind of do).

So since I've got a few minutes between requests from Her Majesty (which include a run to Target to re-stock the popsicle supply), I guess I'll make the list of this week's favorites (which emphatically does not include the  Disney Channel show "Shake It Up", which Thing 2 watched for about 10 hours straight yesterday while I contemplated putting my head in the oven).

1.  Draw Something -
I'm not a big app person (oh, sure, I drank the Angry Birds Kool-Aid for about a month, until I got to a level I couldn't pass, then I quit).  Until now. Behold the Best. App. EVER.
called, "The Hottest, Most Addictive iPhone game you're not playing."
Oh, believe me, I'm playing it. And playing it. And playing it.

I was always a big Pictionary fan, and playing this app is like having ongoing Pictionary games with 15 or so friends. I can't even tell you how fabulous I think this app is (well, actually, that's exactly what I'm doing, isn't it?).

At first, I was trying to draw pictures really fast, but now (especially because I've earned enough coins to buy really cool colors) I like to take my time. I fancy myself a top-notch Pictionary artist (and master of the stick figure), and was quite proud of drawings I'd do like this:

I even made its fur 2-toned like a real teddy bear hamster. I like to pay attention to the detail.
Until I saw multiple websites who devote posts to people who draw pictures like this:

Image google "draw something pictures". You'll be amazed.
These 2 are from

These are clearly the same people who would "Draw Lucky" when they were kids.

It's possible I did this. 
And then there's Husband, who likes to draw stick people doing inappropriate things (you totally wish I'd taken a screen shot of that, don't you?) or else just write down the word I'm supposed to guess. 

However you decide to play, it's a fun and fabulous app. Get it. And then find me and I'll play with you!!

2.  21 Jump Street

Husband and I had a mid-day movie date last Friday and finally went to see 21 Jump Street. 
Hilarious. LOL from the get-go.
If you like raunchy humor (fan of Old School or The Wedding Crashers?) - see this movie.
Oh, and Channing Tatum isn't too hard on the ol' peepers, either.  Husband agrees. 

3.  Zappos -

Top reasons Zappos has been a favorite of mine for a few years:

1) literally 1000's of shoes - in all price ranges - to choose from. It's almost overwhelming. But I deal.
2) with their easy peasy return policy, you can order a pair of shoes in multiple sizes - no risk!
3) the only place I know that has a humongous selection of kids' shoes.
4) FREE shipping!!
5) you can shoe shop in your pajamas, while drinking a glass of wine.

I haven't ordered from Zappos in awhile - it's been at least 3 months. Since Thing 2 and I needed spiffy new shoes for my nephew's wedding next month, we sat down the other night and Zap! 2 days later we are the proud owners of these:

Her first pair of heels. She couldn't be cuter about her excitement.
 She was wearing them with her pajamas about 15 min. ago.  
and 3 (yes, 3) pairs of these:

See (crossed out) reason # 2 above.
And there's another pair of black peep-toe heels (that are much more comfortable) that I also ordered sitting in my living room, but these are prettier so I'm sending the other ones back. Duh.

4.  Revenge -

Returned this past Wednesday after a 6 week break. What will I do this summer without it?

I don't think I've loved a show like this since The O.C. 
The conniving and bitchiness and deception of all the characters, but especially Victoria and Emily, gives me a freakish amount of pleasure.  And some great ideas.
Don't watch it? Catch up this summer. Trust me.

5.  Raspberry Lemondrop

Contrary to what this photo shows, the recipe is not for a frozen drink. 
Discovered this recipe on Pinterest the other night and even though it was like 10:00, I ran down to the basement screaming to Husband, "DO WE HAVE RASPBERRIES? DO WE HAVE SPRITE? DO WE HAVE LEMON JUICE?" (We have vodka. Of course we have vodka.)
Instead of saying, "Don't you think it's kind of late for a martini?",  Husband was running around like crazy collecting ingredients and I was hard at work muddling raspberries (yet another reason I adore that man).
Sadly, I didn't think to take a photo of the delicious concoctions until like 15 min. after I made them, and by then they were l-o-n-g gone (they taste dangerously like Kool-Aid).  Thank god we didn't have more raspberries (but don't think for a second there's not a fresh carton of them in my fridge right now...just a'waitin' for the weekend).

Want the recipe?
My Pinterest drink board


So, I just went up to check on my poor little sick Thing and she's laying in bed watching Full House DVD's.
I have to go now. I adore that show.
So making a last minute entry to this week's list is this guy - who is so much more than just a 'favorite' to me:

Have Mercy.

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