Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hot Hollywood Hell (1)

Since we're building this online relationship, I suppose it's time to come clean about an addiction of mine.

"Hello. My name is Michelle, and I'm a celebrity* whoremonger."
*I do have some standards - I refuse to read anything about Brad and Angelina (cannot stand them), steer pretty clear of all things Kardashian and refuse to give another minute of my life to Lindsay Lohan.  A girl's gotta have her limits.  Plus, I need to save some time for Pinterest and Facebook.

For those of you who have supported me throughout the years by either not ridiculing me (to my face) or - even better - by joining in my obsession, I'd like to publicly thank you.
For those of you who do not care who Jennifer Aniston is dating or why James Van Der Beek is making a comeback (or who the hell James Van Der Beek even is), I admire you. Don't understand you, but I admire you.

Being an avid reader of US Weekly, Entertainment Weekly and People magazine - both the print and online versions - I get pretty desensitized to both the over-styled images and the complete ridiculousness of today's celebrities. But every once in awhile something stops me cold. When that happens, I promise to share its fabulousness &/or ridiculousness with you.  I'm calling it "Hot Hollywood Hell".
And here's entry #1 -

Mariah Carey enjoying a walk with her kids and her "Little Brother" (courtesy of the...ahem...BigBrother/BigSister org.)

Take a moment to fully soak it in. 

Holy crap, every time I look at it I find even more spectacular things.

Best part of this photo?  They were on their way to a playdate...with Alicia Keys and Swizz Beats' new baby (you know those twins will turn out normal and well-adjusted what with a mom who wears stripper heels and hooker hair to a playdate and a dad who dresses like he's an overgrown toddler.  Or a Lil' Rascal).

There's never been a time when I wish more of you were registered with Google so you could leave snarky comments. Or better yet, captions.  

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