Sunday, January 19, 2014


Hey, better late than never. 

Having survived the Polar Vortex (barely) -

and the optimism and then the BIG FAT LIE of the forecast that followed -

Mid-30's my ass. It was blustery and as cold as ever and

I've been in definite need of some Favorites.
I'm pretty sure that's why the awards show gods cluster most of them up in January and the networks start new episodes of my favorite shows — just to make me happy. 

Last night the SAG Awards almost knocked the Golden Globes out of their (my) number one Awards Show position (almost, but Tina & Amy saved its top spot). 
It was fast-paced and entertaining and the scripted intros of the nominees wasn't awful (take note, People's Choice Awards) and the best part of this show? All the awards go to actors. There's none of the boring awards for producing or directing or cinematography or (shudder) -- writing. It's all beautiful people, all the time

Exhibit A

This woman is INSANE. 

The fashion was fabulous, Jennifer Lawrence and Sandra Bullock redeemed themselves from their Golden Globe disasters (google it) and once again Matthew McConoughey proved to be slightly arrogant and obnoxious and tried to give a philosophical speech with a teachable moment that just made all the people in the theatre feel better about the quantity of their own marijuana consumption. 

But this isn't another recap. I'm not sure I have time for that. What with all the mess Juan Pablo's gotten himself into this week I have to start writing the intro to Tuesday's recap: go into damage control. Channel my inner Olivia Pope and figure out a way to fix this holy mess so he doesn't lose too many hotness points with the garbage that his (obviously) pea-sized brain spewed out. This Gladiator is on it. 

And I know it isn't Friday, but I had a few favorites lined up to write about last week and I just got lazy and didn't follow through. Whatever. Now you're treated to this very odd grab bag of the drivel that's left in my brain at week's end. Don't blame me, though. My brain (along with the rest of my organs) are frozen solid. My skin hasn't felt the warmth of the sun in like three months. I AM BUT A SHELL OF MY FORMER SELF. My former self where the blood flows and circulates and my skin is a shade of pale other than "Casper."

So this week the Favorites are brought to by the number 67 and the word YUMMY.
Because in 67 days I'll finally be someplace warm (not that I'm not counting it down with a paper chain in my kitchen or anything) and the edges of my frozen soul will begin to thaw, and the word YUMMY because of the following  — yummy — things that are helping me get there.  

1. JIF Chocolate Silk

Holy mother of Hades. This stuff is the devil — and I'm in danger of doing obscene things to and with it. 
Thankfully I bought these little individual cups instead of the plastic jar because it's entirely possible I'd have frosted myself in it like a giant human cupcake days ago. 
My favorite way to eat it (other than by spoon, finger or by just digging my tongue in there)? 


Flat pretzel.
I think it's what they were made for.

2. Quinoa  
I know, I know. I'm like a year and a half behind this craze. But with the start of a new year it's time for my annual try-to-eat-better-and-more-nutritous-things kick. 
As you can see by Favorite #1, I'm not doing so well. 
But thanks to Pinterest I became intrigued by these little seed balls that show up 30 times a day on my homepage and decided to join the Quinoa frenzy...just as everyone else has moved on to bean curd or something so 2014. 

I've pinned a few Quinoa recipes, but the other day decided to go rogue and try my own, which is often dangerous and doesn't usually end well. And by well I mean with anything edible. 
Except this. This was pretty good.

Artichoke, Shrimp and Spinach Quinoa

Raw shrimp (tails off and poop string pulled)
1 bag baby spinach leaves
1 can Artichoke hearts (I use quartered)
White wine 
Red pepper flakes 
garlic cloves (1 - 2 tsp)
Olive oil

Sautee garlic cloves in the olive oil (careful not to let it burn).

Place shrimp in pan and add a hearty splash of white wine (then slug a hearty splash yourself).

Let cook for about 2 minutes, sprinkle with a dash of red pepper flakes, then add the bag of spinach and the artichokes and cover

I know, it seems like a whole bag is too much, but trust me, it cooks down. 


Let cook, covered, for about 4 more minutes. Add desired amount of cooked Quinoa (and another splash of wine if you want).

Stir the Quinoa around so it absorbs the liquid and let simmer for another minute or two to heat through. 
Top with a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese and serve with crusty bread (if you're not tying to eat healthier) or steamed edamame (if you are). 


3. Harry Connick Jr.

I've been a HCJ fan for years. Like 25 years. 
Ever since hearing his music on the When Harry Met Sally soundtrack I've been hooked on Harry.  If you're ever at my house in the evening it's a good bet there's a HCJ CD in the stereo. For 25 years he's been crooning to me. He's also a great leading man (Justin Matisse is one of my all time favorite leading men), has a hilarious sense of humor, and oh, yeah, isn't too hard on the ol' peepers, either. 

Having him join American Idol was a brilliant move. Sure, AI premiered to its all-time lowest viewing audience last week and none of the contestants know who he is, but if you want some YUMMY in your week, watch him on Idol. 

He seems to be a better judge of vocal ability than JLo and mullet-head, and is really, really funny. And (yes, I'm about to say it again) -- YUMMY.  

I had another entry but OMG GUESS WHAT, you guys? 

^^ Not an accomplishment ^^

Family is in full on panic mode flying around the house grabbing sweatshirts and skates and yelling at me to get off the damn computer, so I am outta here. If you need me, I'll be ice-skating on one of the 10,000 frozen lakes nearby and, for at least two hours, might actually be enjoying winter. 
Imagine that. 

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  1. I'm excited about your quinoa recipe - we still haven't tried it but it is on my list for the next week or two!!!
    And, I didn't realize that Harry Connick, Jr was on American Idol - now I might actually give it another year!!!

    1. I hope you like it. You might need to add a zing of spice if you want it more flavored. I usually add a hearty dash of red pepper flakes to just about everything. Watch Idol this week, I think you'll be entertained by HCJ!

  2. I am going to try the quinoa recipe. I usually just boil it on chicken broth, add butter, and that's it.

    1. I've heard to boil it in broth instead of water, too. I think I'll try it that way this week with chicken and veggies. Thanks!

  3. He is so totally yummy, right?! We have recently started watching ONLY for him! And dude, seriously, your weather BLOWS. I am so sorry. Now excuse me while I go straight to the grocery store for that Jif product. And a spoon.-Ashley

    1. So yummy. Let me know if you try the JIF crack. I'm sorry and you're welcome. ;)

  4. I'm only watching Idol this season because I love HCJ. I thought his witty one-liners would be worth tuning in, but I'm loving his high expectations even more than his clever wit. Maybe not MORE, but as much. I love him, and I'm glad the younger generation is getting to know him. Also, Justin Matisse? YUM.


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.