Friday, January 24, 2014

Friday Favorites - Creature of Habit

I'm gonna be honest with you today.
Not that I'm not usually honest with you, but what I'm about to say -- to admit -- isn't something I'm proud of and is something that, much like the fact that I sometimes sing along to Air Supply, is something that I might rather keep bottled up inside. 
But here goes.
I'm kind of sick of the Friday Favorites.
Before you yell, "Me, too!!" I should tell you that you better not agree with me or there's a good chance I'll get mad. 
It's a lot like when you complain about your husband but then if the person you're complaining to starts to agree with you you get all defensive and do a one-eighty and just end up being mad at that person instead.
Ownership rights. 

Anyway, it's Thursday evening and since I'm in the car for two hours (riding shotgun, obviously) I figured it was a good time to grab the laptop and hack out the Friday Favorites, but for the past ten minutes I've been staring at a blank screen wracking my brain for something that was Favorite worthy this week...and coming up empty. And also? Kind of cursing myself for being so damn consistent with the FF post for the past 22 months so that it's made me feel way too guilty to miss one. The three cats that are wailing from their cage in the back aren't helping (unless I was writing a post on un-Favorites) and the giant bag of Sour Patch Kids (which is a Favorite) I just opened are all hard (un-Favorite) and I'm afraid if I eat them I'll pull a filling out and will have to go to the dentist (most UN-FAVORITEST of all).
You can understand my frustration. 

So I decided to go with a theme.
Favorite car trip songs? 
Favorite books? Movies?
Unoriginal, especially if you knew what they were.
What about my favorite apps, I thought. But then when I started to think of what they were I realized that other than Facebook the only apps I use on a regular basis are The Weather Channel, Spotify and QuizUp (and that I really need to maybe explore some new apps). 

Then I grabbed into the car-snack bag for a granola bar and LIGHTBULB! 

Because I eat one of these granola bars every day. 
And it made me realize there are several things that I use (or eat or do) just about every day because they're favorites. 
I'm a creature of habit. 

So today you are about to be treated to a few things that are part of a typical day in the life of me
Be warned, they're not very exciting.
Tells you something (a lot) about my life.

1. Nature Valley Roasted Nut Granola Bars (Almond Crunch)
Husband and I've been addicted to these for well over a year. I bet I eat one at least 4 days a week for breakfast or lunch. They're basically just nuts glued together with something. They're crunchy and flavorful, and the best thing is they keep you full for hours. If I don't have one for breakfast, it's usually because I'm having this -

2. Special K Fruit & Yogurt

I will eat this in the box, I will eat this only in socks. I will eat this in a bowl with milk, I will eat this wearing silk. I love this cereal and it is true, that I would even eat it nude.  

3. This water cup (by Aladdin)

If it wasn't for this water tumbler I'd probably never drink any water. It's true. Until I got these Aladdin double-walled cups at Target I rarely drank water until about 8:00 at night when I'd be so dehydrated I'd want to slug a gallon but by that time it was wine time (obviously) and so I wouldn't. Then I got a few of these cups a couple of summers ago and for some inexplicable reason I fill it and refill it with ice water all day long. I tried a few other brands of (cheaper) straw cups, but it's only these Aladdin ones that I love. And in the warmer months I fill it with ice and stick it under my Keurig and make iced coffees. I have a few colors and some fun stripy straws and am now, thankfully, more hydrated.

4. My FAVORITE Go-To At-Home Lunch (other than #1)
Okay, here's what you do. 
Take some Triscuits, ultra thin sliced Pepper Jack cheese, some deli turkey and cucumber slices and just stack it all up in this order: 
piece of turkey

I don't have a picture of one all stacked up but you get the idea.
And also now have proof of how far I'm reaching for content for this FF post.

5. Pier One Stemless Wine Glasses

We have a lot of wine glasses. A lot. 
About seven years ago we started a wine distribution company and had a warehouse full of wine. We not only drank wine, we lived it every day.  Now we just drink it, because seven years ago we drank it, lived it and lost a boat load of money on it.
Point is, people gave us wine glasses. For like every gift giving occasion. And by 'people' I mean our parents. They were so happy to have a gift to give that they knew we'd use. And I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth; we have some lovely wine glasses in many assorted shapes and colors. But here's the thing: I use these $2 stemless ones from Pier One all the time.
My favorite is the short squatty one. Red or white, I don't care. I even drink Ginger Ale out of it when I'm not having wine (which, granted, is rare).
And in case you missed it -- TWO BUCKS at Pier One. Sure you can buy fancier ones for a lot more money at fine establishments like Target and Home Goods and can if you want to get all fancy pants with your stemless wine ware, but TWO BUCKS. And if you really want to let loose, drink your two buck Chuck in your two buck wine glass (mind. blown.). And then eat this...

6. Favorite Dinner

Not my recipe, but really my photo
I'm totally cheating here because THE GOD DAMNED CATS WON'T STOP HOWLING and I might lose my mind in about 30 seconds so I'm throwing in a Favorite that I've mentioned at least twice on this blog. But since I'm making it for dinner tomorrow and because I was just describing it to a friend yesterday, it's on my mind.
Honey Sesame Crock Pot Chicken.
It's quick and easy and it will blow your mind.
You can find it pinned on my "What's for Dinner?" Pinterest board, but since that will take you to the original site here's the LINK.
You'll also find a lot of other dinners on my Pinterest board that look delicious but that I probably haven't ever made because I make this Honey Sesame Chicken like once a week.

I could go on and on and tell you about my favorite eyeliner and my favorite yoga pants that I live in and my favorite thing to do before bed (I'll make you wonder about that one), but look at this!! We're finally here!! We're at my most FAVORITE PLACE OF ALL (even in the subzero weather) and if I don't get these cats into the house my head will explode.

Have a lovely weekend, my lovely lovelies.
I'll be buried under blankets reading and watching Netflix, and drinking wine out of my stemless glass.

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  1. I love Friday Favourites.....please do not pressure:)

    1. What?!? Someone who loves (and reads) the Favorites?!? With the two over on Facebook that makes THREE! :)
      I vow to never to complain again (probably) and to continue my weekly lists of nonsense.
      Thank you!! xo

  2. I'm with Karen. I know might want to take a long weekend sometime, but sorry. That's not going to work for me. I need my Friday Favorites.
    I have a friend who told me the entire trick to being able to drink water was get a cup with a lid and a straw. I started doing that and SHE WAS RIGHT! I'm not surprised you love that cup. I can carry around a bottle or glass of water all day and never finish. Give me a cup like yours and BAM that water is GONE! If I didn't know better, I'd think it was magic! (I totally already think it's magic) --Lisa

    1. Ding!Ding! Another Favorite of the Favorites! Okay, okay, I'll stick with it. But I might need another guest one of these days...
      Here's one thing about those cups that I'm concerned about. Lip wrinkles. I've never smoked in my life and I'm kind of afraid that by the time I'm 60 I'll look like I've had a pack a day habit for 40 years from that damn straw. But hey, at least I'll be hydrated.

    2. I like Friday Favorites, too.

      And don't worry about getting lip wrinkles from using a straw at this age. As long as you practice good skin care like cleansing 2X a day and using a moisturizer w/ sunscreen, you should be okay. I smoked for 30 years, quit 3 years ago, and I don't have lip wrinkles. Or very many eye wrinkles.

      Will be praying that you enjoy safe travels as you return from the Happy Place


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.