Monday, December 23, 2013

Going Dark.

Merry Christmas!!

I know, I know, it's not Christmas yet. Not just because my 12 year old has been counting down the hours until Wednesday morning for the past three days and doesn't think she can bear it that time isn't moving more quickly, but also because I'm still giving myself carte blanche to eat and drink anything I want, which will end somewhere around Sunday. Or next Wednesday.

But I'm sending my wish to you a couple of days early because starting right now (or when I finish typing this post), I'm going dark. Off the grid for the rest of the week. I know, I'll believe it when I see it too. But here's the deal. I'm fatigued. Facebook fatigued especially. (Seriously, can someone check my vitals?) You guys, I need a break from my screen. I need a small break from words.  And this is the perfect week to do it; to recharge with my family, my books, my thoughts. (However, the thought of having to live with my own thoughts for seven full days after having regurgitated them on this screen for the past 21 months is more than a little frightening…but necessary.) For the next week, I plan to stay in my jammies and read and sleep and eat and drink and talk and laugh and not even think about oversharing all of it. I need to be present; I want to be present — for my family and for myself. So I'm pledging to put my screen down for at least seven days. Oh, I'll still binge watch Scandal and will catch up on some movies, with and without the fam (I'm not going that rogue), but as far as checking my newsfeed 25 times a day to see what everyone is up to? I'm gonna assume everyone is doing a lot of what I'll be doing and that no one really cares to know how much pizza I ate (an entire small one I can already tell you) or how god-forsaking cold it is (negative numbers isn't an unlikely prediction) or see the photos of the fabulous martini I'll be drinking…in my jammies (guaranteed). 

And if you find yourself needing words to read and you find yourself here? I may not be writing new ones for the next week, but you can check out some of my old favorites either by clicking on the "favorites" tab up there (<< or right there) or by reading some of the posts listed over there on the right (under the fancy YMFT Appletini button). 

And for all my Bachelor lovin' friends, I've got to recharge in a big way because you know what's just around the corner, don't you? That's right. Juanuary. And Juanuary will not only bring Juan Pablo and all the recaps, but the SAGs and Golden Globes. So I'm looking at this little break as a way to rest up for the big game — the "big dance" if you will.

So Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and all that other stuff. I hope you have a wonderful week and take time to fully be present. With or without the presents.

Talk to you next week.


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  1. We are doing the same thing. And it is much needed. Enjoy the silence and the lack of glare from the screen! ;)-Ashley

  2. I hear ya! It's the perfect time to regroup and recharge!! Have a great rest and I'll see you on the other side...


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.