Thursday, December 19, 2013

Crazy?…or AWESOME?*

I'm in the middle of writing a different post, but I just read a story that trumps it so it's gonna have to wait.

I've just found proof that I'm not crazy! And you aren't either!

Sue Johnson is!!

Who the hell is Sue Johnson, you ask?
She's the Mary with the Yorkie Jesus.

Or maybe she's just a shepherd.
Either way, she's crazy.
Or fabulously awesome.  I can't decide.

Apparently, for the past 20 years she's made her family pose for elaborate Christmas card photos, trying to best herself every year. And oh, yeah, she's my neighbor. Well, not literally, but she lives in a suburb of Minneapolis about half an hour from me. Explains a lot, actually (relax, MN natives, I'm kidding).

Here are a few of my favorites -

Upon closer inspection, I'm noticing that this one only has 3 children when the shepherd/lamb one has 4.  Do you suppose the sheep with the beard is a son-in-law?? 
Yep. It's Mike. Valerie's reluctant husband. And no, I'm not being mean.
“I knew exactly what I was getting into, unfortunately,” Mike said.
“That’s why it took nine years to get married,” his wife added.

Apparently when this soldier photo was first taken, one of the daughters had her head tilted. Sue had a fit and marched them all back to the photographer (literally) and demanded a re-do (oh yeah, and the teenage boy's friends worked at the photo place. No therapy needed there, I'm sure). Man, I would not want to be on the receiving end of Sue's wrath, especially when she's dressed as a soldier.  Her husband even refers to her as, "She who must be obeyed" when talking about the Christmas card photo shoots Riigght...'cause I'm thinkin' the other 364 days she's real easy-going and laid back.

Seriously, imagine the instruction (spoken through the clenched teeth smile): Straighter!! Stand straighter, soldiers!! And if you so much as tilt your tall hat one freakin' inch to the side I will make you wear ridiculous Snowmen costumes next year.

Thanks a lot, Valerie.

Hey, look! Mike's back! And so thankful he didn't have to be a barnyard animal this year that he decided to stick around.  And electrocute his in-laws. Or the one WHO FREAKIN' CLOSED HER EYES thus sealing their fate as tiny gingerbread men the following year (goddammit, Valerie!!).

I've gotta hand it to Sue for the creativity on this one.  Not to mention the amount of time it must have taken to figure out how in the hell to make a 20' cookie sheet.

Apparently, she spends all year thinking up new, clever (bat-shit crazy) ideas and says that they sometimes 'come to her in dreams'. I'm thinking Sue needs to cut back on the eggnog before bed. 
She makes all the costumes by hand but "only spends about 2 months" actually making them (oh, then. STILL CRAZY) and says her family really enjoys the 'bonding experience'.

Show of hands...How many of your kids enjoy getting their Christmas card photo taken in regular clothes, in regular locations, in regular poses
Yeah, mine too.

A year or so ago they rented a sleigh and Sue and Rob were Santa and Mrs. Claus and the kids were the reindeer.  I bet Mike had to be that worthless Donner. He's totally the Rob Kardashian of the reindeer.

Meet Andy. He's the other dude IN THE REINDEER SUIT.
Those Johnson girls must reaaally be somethin'

I kind of love her.
I'm completely scared of her, but I kind of love her.

Now go stuff your ordinary and inadequate family card into your envelopes and have a gingerbread cookie.

Just don't eat the Sue one. 
I bet it bites back.

*This has been the first of a new ongoing YMFT series called "Crazy?…or AWESOME?"


  1. Oh sweet baby Jesus, I love this so much I can barely stand it. I am pretty sure that she needs to adopt me.-Ashley

    1. I was just thinking I needed to contact her and meet her for coffee….and beg her to put me in next year's card!

  2. Awesome. No question. I want in this family - are they adopting?

    1. I wonder what will happen when she has grandchildren??

    2. Oh good God... not the grandchildren! and the first granchild?? "It" will be baby Jesus until (or even after) puberty.

      This is so fantastically crazy that I'm considering an Easter option since she's now monopolized the market on crazy for Christmas cards.

  3. I'm gonna go with bat-s*** on this one. Wow. LOL bet she's a bundle of fun at parties. Good grief, what kind of dirt does this woman have on her family, to coerce them into doing this every year??

    All sarcasm aside, what the heck, if the family's having fun with it, why the heck not. *raises eggnog toast* here's to you, Susan, and your family. Hope they all have a very Merry Christmas. :)

    1. Exactly. Whatever floats your boat! And you're right, the "kids" keep doing it…for some reason! They've said it's because she's always done so much for them that they can give her this one pleasure. Awwwww.
      Still crazy. Awesomely crazy!!

  4. That looks like an absolute blast. I say 1000% AWESOME!!!

    1. I wonder what she does with all those costumes? I want the gingy one. I'd seriously wear it to bake cookies.

  5. Wait! Your research is incomplete! Who is the 5th family member in the final pic? Who keeps marrying into this family and not putting their foot down?

    1. I think it's the other daughter's husband, Andy.

    2. Yes, it's Andy! I forgot to put the caption on it when I first posted -- thank you!

  6. BSC for sure! The seriously crazy part is these "kids" are really not kids at all! I mean, I can see forcing a 5 year-old into being a santa or lightbulb but come on kids - grow a pair!! If it weren't so absolutely hilarious I would probably divorce my family. All of a sudden my kids don't have it so bad. Thanks crazy lady!

    1. Excellent point! At some point I might just have to decline. One of them said that as kids they HATED it, but as adults they realize that she's always done so much for them through the years that giving her this one thing is not a big deal. Sweet…but crazy!

  7. I'm pulling this post out the next time my husband complains about getting family pictures done!! He's got it easy!

    1. I know! Sitting on a log by a lake in matching denim/khaki doesn't seem so bad now, does it??

  8. I've seen stories about her before- I think she was on Ellen before. I am so glad my mom didn't do xmas cards....

    1. I hope she was on Ellen! This kind of dedication (crazy) deserves to be rewarded!! I hope Ellen gifted all her kids nice vacations somewhere...

  9. Bahahahahahahaha! Crazy or completely sane? Either way - hilarious! And, I'm glad I didn't marry into that family!

    1. Right? I mean, can you imagine making your husband do this every year? Takes a special, special man. !!

  10. OMG this is just pure awesomeness!

    1. Crazy awesomeness! I want to make my family do it now.

  11. So many ideas to steal.... Think she had a copy write

  12. I think she is related to Patti in some way! LOL!!! This brightened my day. She is as crazy as they come! Love her and agree I so want to be in her photo next year!!

    1. There's DEFINITELY some Patti in there!! ha! I know. I love her, I think. How can you not?

  13. You make me laugh! People probably think I'm BSC laughing my ass off in my classroom closet pumping while reading your blog! Thanks for this awesome post!!!

    1. Bahahaha! You just made me spit Diet Pepsi with that comment. Hey, I'm honored to give you a laugh while closet pumping. Because that sure as hell deserves one. :)

  14. I would kill to be able to control my family like that.

  15. I would kill to be able to control my family like that.

  16. Crazy or awesome?

    I say "drunk". :)

    1. Thank you so much for this post! It definitely brought a smile to my face and my eyes I have to say got a little watery from the laughs. I will never complain about our annual Xmas eve pic in front of the tree ever again.


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.