Friday, November 22, 2013

Friday Favorites - My Favorite Guests No. 2

In an effort to rid myself of all blogging responsibility on Thursday nights and to not have to wrack my brain to try to pull from it something - anything - that I've enjoyed even mildly from the previous week, I'm once again passing off the Favorites to someone else this week. 

Okay, I'm kidding. Not about the passing off the Favorites part, but about not wanting to write the FF post. In all honesty, it's my (irony alert) FAVORITE post to write each week and I rarely have trouble coming up with random and inconsequential things that have whetted my whistle from the week (not proper grammar (or even actual grammar), I realize, but it's my blog so I get to use my own language). 

But last month I had this idea to let my (irony alert #2) FAVORITE bloggers share their Favorites with you, and it quickly became another (you guessed it) FAVORITE thing. 

It's been a Friday GIF before, I know. But it's a (wait for it)…FAVORITE.  
So I've decided that it will be a recurring thing, and every couple of months you will be treated to the scintillating writings of women like these, who are my Favorites today (somebody stop me). 

The Dose Girls (who together write the blog, The Dose of Reality) have become some of my best blogging friends - hell, forget the blogging part even - ever since we all were lucky enough to wind up in this book together. Over the past six months we've bonded over our love of all things celebrity, GenerationX, and The Bachelor. I'm so happy to have them as my guests today. Make sure to check out their blog and follow them on Facebook and Twitter


When Michelle asked us to share our favorites this Friday, we felt like two ladies stuffed into our double layer of SPANX, decked out in our finest pageant-inspired evening dresses during a very special Rose Ceremony on The Bachelor.
It's been a busy week on the old interwebs, so it was difficult to pick just four things, but here we go...
1. Duck Dynasty
No longer is Ashley one of only 12 people in the continental US who had yet to fall under the magical spell of Uncle Si and the gang! Lisa's cajoling finally paid off, and Ashley finally began watching the show!! Beside making us laugh, the Duck Commanders even inspired a blog post. Who knew the bearded Robertson clan would become our muses?
*interruption from Michelle - OMG THIS PHOTO IS BEYOND BRILLIANT. Poster, please. 
2. The Selfie
It's been a GOOD week for the selfie! It's not just for making duck faces in the bathroom mirror anymore! The Oxford Dictionary has declared "selfie" their Word of the Year for 2013. So hold your cell phones out at arms length and smile away. The selfie is legit!

3. Catching Fire
No we do not need to stop, drop, and roll...we are talking about the next installment of the Hunger Games movie franchise. We could not be more excited!! Even though we hadn't been out past 11 pm since the mid 90s, we actually went to a midnight viewing for the original Hunger Games opening in 2012. We even *might* have had "Team Peeta" t-shirts made to wear with our yoga pants to the theater. It was a BLAST. Time has taken its toll and we didn't get to the midnight showing for Catching Fire, but we are at least seeing it opening day! As rabid fans of Katniss we cannot WAIT!

4. Girl Power
Toy company Goldie Box is determined to change the fact that the vast majority of engineers and scientists are men. They make toys that defy the usual definition of "girlish" and encourage girls to channel their inner engineer. At Goldie Box they "believe there are a million girls out there who are engineers. They just might not know it yet." With a video like this and toys that inspire, we have a feeling that is going to change!

Thanks, Dose Girls! This now leaves me with much more time on my Thursday night to sit on my butt in my snuggie, drinking wine and watching a craptastic holiday movie on the Hallmark channel - favorite, favorite, aaaannnnd favorite

Make sure and come back on Monday for a fabulous appetizer recipe. It's what I'll be eating for dinner tomorrow night just so I can take pictures to post. *shaking head* - The things I do for you guys.... :)

Have a great weekend!!! 

© 2012-2013 You're my favorite today. All Rights Reserved.
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  1. There is an overload of awesome in this post! Love me some Dose women(and their beards!), love the selfie shot and I am obsessed with Goldie Box!

  2. We feel beyond honored that we were chosen for your guest spot Michelle! It is like the way we felt when Arie followed us on Twitter or when HotSean! first took off his shirt during Emily's season of The Bachelorette! This is the best day ever! Thank you for having us! :)-The Dose Girls

  3. Laughed my butt off at the graphics especially - awesomeness in every bite. Happy Friday! xo

  4. That poster is hilarious! And Goldie Box? Awesome! Thanks for the laughs this AM, I needed it!

  5. So many of my favorites talking about their favorites in a Friday Favorites is almost too much. You ladies are so pretty with Duck Dynasty facial hair!

  6. Big Duck Dynasty fan! I will be looking forward to Friday Favorites!

  7. OMG I have to admit that I do not watch Duck Dynasty and only even heard of it's existence about 6 months ago. Because of that picture, I may HAVE to watch now!! Hunger Games? Hells ya!!! I cannot wait to see it. No spoilers girls - I won't be able to get to the movies for a month. Who am I kidding? I'll probably see it on Netflix!

  8. That Duck Dynasy picture is the most awesome thing I have seen all week...maybe even all month. I love it!

  9. Well since I have pledged my undying love and support to the Dose Girls, I can't tell you how thrilled I am to find them here. What a fun day, three faves for the price of one! (The Duck pic is brilliant! )

  10. Totally love the Does Girls and like Kathy will follow them wherever they are for the day. And seriously you two had me cracking up once again with that Duck Dynasty picture. Seriously just what I needed this Monday morning!! :)

  11. OMG- I LOVE the Duck Dynasty pic- I think I need one for the farm... ok, maybe not in my house (the Hubs may object, even though he does read & laugh at the Dose girls posts also) but maybe in the main barn, yes, definitely there!!! LOL. Happy Monday. XO.

  12. I'm so going to have to get involved in watching the Duck Dynasty show obviously. I read one of their books, and I was impressed by them through the book. I can only imagine how much I'll like the series. I just don't like jumping into a new series of any kind unless I've been able to watch all of them.

    I'm eagerly waiting to see Catching Fire too. It must have been good for you to bring it up again. Were the special effects just as good in this one?

    Love the Girl Power concept with a passion, but I also feel that more and more girls are feeling empowered to pursue whatever they want to pursue in life.

  13. Love the rose photo ladies! Watch out Juan Pablo! I saw Catching Fire this weekend(EXCELLENT) and I'm a huge fan of the books. However, I have to say the third is my least favorite.

  14. Love Duck Dynasty they are so funny without event trying the hubs has me hooked. Loved your favorites.

  15. Goldie Box sounds awesome. And I clearly need to watch more Duck Dynasty. Right after I take a selfie in the bathroom mirror.

  16. If the Dose Girls were on Duck Dynasty I would DEFINITELY tune in! :D

  17. I have yet to fall into the pull of Duck Dynasty. That poster? Would make it happen! One of my favorites? You two as bloggers!

  18. I loooove Goldie Blox (it's Blox btw, not may find something unexpected if you google Goldie Box...don't know, haven't tried, not risking it...) and have ordered for my daughter. Now, if The Beastie Boys could pull up their big boy pants and not make such a big bru-ha-ha over "copyright infringement" and turn their demeaning women lyrics into empowering girls lyrics, that would be ozzum.

  19. HAHA to the selfies! Let's start a campaign for the Dose Girls to get on Duck Dynasty!!! Whoot!

  20. I agree-- make that picture into a POSTER!! Oh girls, you could seriously start a business just printing out and selling your pictures that you have made through the years. THINK about it!!!???? You need to create one of those 'on line Dose Girls paraphernalia (sp?) stores!' Like the big ducks out there- (Pun intended!)

  21. Yay Dose Girls! That photo of the Robertson boys is amazing! I'm with Kristi. Forget getting Arie chosen as the bachelor. Let's get the Dose Girls an invitation to lunch with Korie, Missy and Miss Kay!

  22. Awesome! Lisa and Ashley are some of my favorite people too! And that Duck/Dose Dynasty picture is a complete WINNER! I didn't even notice them on the ends at first!

  23. Love the Dose Girls and since I follow them blindly, I had to come here and see what they were up to. The Goldie Box sounds awesome, and I am voting no on the selfie. I don't get a say do I?

  24. Oh, I wished we lived closer so we could all curl up in your Snuggie, Michelle with A&L and watch TV and drink carefully planned WW pointed cocktails. Loved the Duck Dynasty. Actually, it took me a double take to notice you were on there. Might want to try to get Tweezerman's as a sponsor DGs!! Michelle, you are so fabulous too! I hope all of the peeps from The Dose fall in love with you hard like I did the first time I laid eyes on your essay. ;)

  25. Love that! I am still rolling that "selfie" is now a term...we need to start a project to get the Dose Peeps to Australia! I would love to see and hear the hilarity that ensues. What a great guest post :-)

  26. Love this and love me some Dose Girls! It was only a matter of time before selfie wiggled its way into the dictionary! Is OMG in there yet?

  27. I have got to get on the Duck Dynasty band wagon. You girls have never led me astray in the TV department before and we have the same tastes so what am I waiting for? Also on my list of things to do? Read the Hunger Games books. I am still laughing at the 5 for the moon-37 for the bathroom. Hilarious!

  28. Michelle, so glad you were able to take Friday night off!

    I'm still one of the 12. So sorry.

    The video and message is cool but I just read that they are in a legal battle over the use of that song without permission. I guess they didn't have a women put together the video. She would have thought of these things.

  29. I love the selfies, I don't watch duck dynasty but I am now tempted!!

    I love a good selfie.

    I am hoping to see catching fire this week!! I am such a fan of the books!!

  30. That Duck Dynasty photo is the best thing I have seen all week! My husband got me hooked on that show, and yes, I laugh my butt off every time I watch it.

  31. I don't think I can bring myself to watch Duck Dynasty, despite your endearing endorsement. However, I am buying Goldie Blox for my 5 year old granddaughter for Christmas!! I happened across an ad for them last week and thought they were a great idea.

  32. Love this!
    The Dose Girls are my favorite too :)


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