Friday, October 18, 2013

Friday Favorites - Pee Alone Night (and some other stuff that isn't nearly as exciting)

Don't be jealous when you read what you're about to read.

It's fall break and I slept until 9:15 this morning, and then stayed in my warm bed until almost 10 doing nothing but debating with myself about getting out of bed vs. not getting out of bed. The back spasms and developing bed sores finally won, but it's now noon and I'm still in sweats, sufficiently coffee logged and enjoying this view (that yes, I did have to drag my lazy ass out into the 40° weather to get, but still):

The four day weekend finds us back here at my happy place for the first time since Labor Day. 
And as you might imagine, I'm deliriously....well, happy
Things look, and feel, a little bit different. 
It's too cold to take a boat ride, although we do have to get on it tomorrow to get it out of the water so the dock can be pulled out next week. (Sidenote for all you non-Minnesotans: Since in another month the lakes will be frozen you have to take not only your boats out but your docks and lifts, too. Something about "ruining them." Pain in the ass is what it is.) It's too cold to go for a walk (because I'm a grade A wimp in this weather....which should make the fact that I've lived in Minnesota for the past 15 years all the more puzzling...and tragic). But it is the perfect kind of bonfirey weather, which we'll have later, and perfect weather for red wine and sweats and cozy blankets and Bailey's in my coffee and sleeping in. 

I know. 
That sounds like Favorites enough for the week, right? 

But no. 

Oh, no. 

If you've been paying attention you might remember a little something called "I Just Want To Pee Alone Day" that took place last week? 

Let's start there.

1. Pee Alone National Night Out - 

Thanks so much to all the ladies who came out, especially the few who took a leap of faith and came knowing no one else there. It was such fun to meet you and chat with you about all sorts of scintillating topics. 

Here's just a few of the important things that we covered:

• Thanks to Jaime, I now know that when those pesky gray roots start showing, you don't need to panic! Grab a washable crayola marker and color away! I'm thinking brown works best, unless you actually have coal black or sunshine yellow hair. Although I'm not ruling out using a blue or green one one day just to mess with people. 

• If you have implants, soon you'll be able to get a better mammogram! Of course, you'll have to endure a TOTAL STRANGER pushing your implant back and pulling your boob skin forward, but hey, at least it's progress. 

• And while we're on the subject of mammograms, my fantabulous co-host Joy (who isn't EVIL at all) and I made a visual display of what the size of our respective mammogram plates (the cold, acrylic things they put your boob on) look like. Pay no attention to the leftover food. 

I won't divulge whose is whose, but let's just say Joy was talking about reductions and shit and leave it at that.  
• Speaking of Joy, she drove all the way from Wisconsin so was mainlining Diet Pepsis all night.

Seriously, I think she had five. With no ice. If any of you are watching How I Met Your Mother this season, think of Lily and Linus and how he just keeps replacing her gin and tonics continuously. That was pretty much what was happening all night with Joy and the waiter. (The clip below is looped to go on for 15 minutes...Joy only drank DPs for 3 hours). Hey, at least she was sharp for that long drive home.

• Did you know that when you're taking a selfie (which I did not because unlike my 12 year old daughter I do not take selfies every day) you can push the lower volume button on your phone to take the picture?? I've always wondered how the hell people get decent selfies because I'm always trying to juggle the phone with one hand and hit the button on the screen with my thumb. Doh. Thanks to Joy, I was able to snap this "Hostess Selfie" without dropping my phone. 

Look out. Now that I'm armored with this professional selfie knowledge I may unleash my inner duck-face and go selfie postal on you. 

Again, thanks so much lovely ladies! It was fun! And if any of you actually read my blog I promise I'll email you the contact list next week. They're all in my bag. At home. 

2. Balsamic Beef (or as we call it, Balsamic Roast Beast) -
Because people seem to go nuts when I post a recipe (which makes me more than a little suspicious that that there are other people out there who only will cook things with less than six or eight ingredients), here's something I made this week that was delicious.

I found the recipe on Pinterest, and because I wouldn't be able to look at myself in my phone when I'm taking all those selfies if I claim it as my own,  I'm sending you to the page where it came from. 

It's called >> add a pinch << and if you click that magic link it'll take you right there. 

And seriously, you guys. This is all it took:

Plus garlic, because I suck at food blogging and forgot to put it in the picture. 

Things that were happening on the blog, not on the blog and on social media that you might have missed ~

On Monday I told you why my 12 year old is pissed and why there's nothing she can do about it. 

Every Tuesday I'm over at MamaPop and this past week I was defending Tori Spelling. Wait. What? Yeah, you should read it. 

Thursday I posted a story that's near and dear to my heart; about my older daughter's birth (almost 18 years ago!) and how emotional it was even though she was literally smaller than a Cabbage Patch Kid, which I detest.  

There was probably some mildly amusing things happening over on the Facebook page that you might have missed, but since my family is all standing over me waiting for me to finish so we can go get our grub on at Buffalo Wild Wings (a BIG favorite) you'll have to go check out the page yourself. 
Hell hath no fury like Husband who is hungry for wings...and who has been made to wait. 

Enjoy your weekend!

Crap. I forgot the Friday gif. Next week there'll be two. And one will be a kitten giving another a backrub. Trust me, you'll want to come back for that. 

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  1. So I was tooling around with my phone after reading this and while my button isn't the lower volume button, there is a button on the side of my phone that's shaped like a camera that I never knew was for before. Took a selfie while pushing that button and feel like I've got a whole new appreciation for my phone!! THANK YOU!!!

    1. Thank Joy! And yeah, I'm not real sure what the exact button is.

  2. Mmm...wings. And sandwiches. And peeing alone. And Joy, who doesn't look one bit evil.

  3. Bawahahahahahaha! I'm not so Evil....most of the time. Unless you ask my kids.

    Thank you so much Michelle for letting me co-host with you on this fabulous night out! I met friends and reconnected with friend right here in Wisconsin!

    And...even mainlining my diet pepsi - I slept well....

    Can't wait until our next meet up!!!

  4. I just hit up the roots again with the marker (told you, it won't stay).
    After Tuesday, I can let the marker rest for about 2 1/2 weeks.

    Thanks for a fun night out!

  5. Michelle,
    Thank you for the recipe, I actually tried it because I love slow cooker roasts. I have to tell you, we ate way more beef than we should have, and the next day, I tried something else. I had half a jar of yellow curry sauce (archer farms, yay tarjay) and I heated some up on the stove and let it simmer in that sauce. You HAVE to try that--it was soooo good!!! Thanks for the great and simple recipes--please keep them coming!


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.