Friday, October 11, 2013

FF - Some small chefs, one big non-chef, and a good read.

You guys, it's October 11th in Minnesota, and it's 75°.

I'm sorry, what?

I said, it's October 11th in Minnesota and it is 75°.

Yes, way.

Besides the obvious, there's really just two things you should take away from that sentence:
1.) Mother Nature has decided, 10 months into the year, to stop punishing Minnesota
2.) You know as well as I do that it's too good to be true and that by next Friday I'll be back to complaining about something weather related.

Actually, let's start now.
It's October 11th and it's actually too damn hot.
There. I said it.
I want to wear a sweater and a cute infinity scarf!
Oh my god please somebody slap me. 
I want to turn on my fireplace and wear my flannel jammies!
Grab my shoulders! Shake!

In a month, when I'm bitching about how damn cold it is and staring into the sixth month abyss of bitter darkness and soul crushing cold, you have permission to give me one of these -

Let's get to this week's Favorites, shall we?

1. Master Chef, Jr. -

I've never watched Master Chef, Sr. or any of the other eleventy-seven cooking shows on TV because, as you know, I don't cook. 'Don't', 'Can't' - whatever. Same thing, really.
But a couple of weeks ago while flipping through the channels on a Friday night (shut up) I came across this show.
You guys.
These kids are unbelievable.
They are like 9, 10 and 11 and are creating dishes that are better than anything I've seen &/or eaten at a restaurant in years. Sure, it's probably not hard to top the Whisky River BBQ Chicken Sandwich at Red Robin, but still.
The things these kids are doing is mind boggling.
My kids can't even make a god dammed frozen pizza.
Watch this clip.
And regardless of if you like to cook or don't, start watching this on Friday nights. Unless you actually have a social life.

2. Tortilla Pie -
Here's an old standby of ours from my teaching days.
I first got this recipe from another teacher when she brought it to a Friday potluck lunch and I inhaled over half of it. Suck it, fifth grade teachers! Too bad your lunch is half an hour later.
It's super cheap (which was key during the teaching days), super easy (still a key factor 20 years later) and even better as leftovers (which isn't likely with this dish).

Oh, and because I suck at cooking blogging (except for the fantastically detailed and photographed Baked Spaghetti post) I forgot to take pictures of every single step, and most importantly, of the finished product. I guess I was too busy stuffing it in my tortilla hole.

You don't need the detailed photos anyway.
You're smart.
You'll figure it out.

Tortilla Pie
8-10 corn tortillas, cut into squares
1 can Cream of Chicken soup
Shredded chicken (I buy Rotisserie because it's easy but you can cook your own if you want to touch raw chicken)
Diced onion (about 1/8 of a cup)
Can of green chiles
Shredded cheese (as much as you want)

I remembered to take the pic after I had already mixed it all together.
I use a mixture of cheeses because duh. 

Mix it all together.

Spray a small square Pyrex dish with a little oil and just dump it in. Cover with more cheese.

Cover with foil and bake at 350° for 30 minutes. Remove foil and bake for another 8-10 or until cheese is bubbly.

No photo. Sorry.

MOST IMPORTANT PART! Let stand for at least 5 minutes before eating. 10 is even better.

We eat it with salsa and some corn chips or a small bowl of black beans if I'm really feeling motivated.

But usually by the time I've made all that the thought of opening a can of black beans and dirtying another bowl is just too much.

3. Cartwheel - 
I started a new book this week and even though I'm only about 1/3 of the way through it, I'm hooked.

It's got a lot of similarities to the Amanda Knox case: International transfer student accused of killing roommate; weird boy involvement; family pleading innocence; etc.

The author was a philosophy major and from her use of unbelievable vocabulary and thought processes, you can tell. I've highlighted something on just about every page so far. Sometimes it's nice to read something so well written and set aside the UsWeekly for a minute.

Things that were happening on the blog, not on the blog or on social media that you might have missed ~

On Monday I was >> In The Powder Room << talking about the dangers of binge watching and the resulting hangover. Seriously. It's becoming a major epidemic. You can read it through the link above, or get to it by clicking >> HERE << as well. Too easy.

Wednesday I pulled out an oldie and told you the charming and darling story of the time Husband and I almost got shot. Twice. Read it, but I'm warning you. You may never want to darken the doorsteps of a Dunkin' Donuts or a Best Western again.

Tuesday I responded to Miley's ridiculous claim that people stop having sex at age 40 over on MamaPop. And no, my kids didn't read it.

Things Facebook (which is being a bitch right now and not loading any images) probably didn't show you:

And last but not least!

Local friends ~ I hope to see all of you at the I JUST WANT TO PEE ALONE NATIONAL LADIES NIGHT OUT next week!! Bring a friend! Bring two! 
Next week the Favorites post will be chock full of all the dirt that's fit to tell (photos, too) and you certainly don't want to be left out! 

Enjoy your weekend! 

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1 comment:

  1. I'm already exhausted from being excited about my local National Night Out event. Maybe a nap will help. Also? I'm making that Tortilla Pie.


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.