Friday, July 19, 2013

Friday Favorites - What's that? I can't hear you.

Good Friday to you!
This week's Favorite's post has to be short and sweet.

Stop crying -- it'll be okay, I promise. 

Why no rambling list today full of interesting things like Bit-O-Honeys and P!nk songs and boy-short undies (which I do so love)?  
Because of this:


Oh, sorry, was I shouting??

Actually, I was smart this time --

I learned that after the three days of tinnitus after the last Taylor Swift concert I went to.
Thing 2 even caved after the first song a video of the 1D boys came on pre-concert and the place erupted in a decibel level that would have brought down a five-story building. 
Made of cement. 
With earthquake supports. 
A video

So let's just go ahead and get this list started since I didn't get home until after midnight and have a few VIT to do in the next few hours.
What Very Important Things, you ask? 
Well, since they're Favorites...keep reading.

1. The One Direction concert -
You guys, I thought this day would never come. 
Did I mean, "The Things thought this day would never come?" 
We've had these tickets since last April. 
As in April 2012. 
As in fifteen months ago. 
So for the past fifteen months, I've been listening to Thing 1 (who is beyond obsessed -- BE.YOND) count down the days to yesterday -- the day that will be the pinnacle of her life. 
Seriously, after the concert she said, "It's all downhill from here."
My girls aren't at all dramatic.
Since she and her friends went separately and sat clear across the arena much, much closer to the stage, I was left to take Thing 2 and her BFF and take the semi-crappy seats.
Thankfully the boys flew down on a flying stage to the south side of the tracks and we got to see them up close and personal for a few songs. 

And thankfully my earplugs worked. 

Despite what I might be making this whole experience sound like, I really did love it. 
Remind me one day to tell you how it paralleled to my 1984 first-concert- hysteria-experience with another group of five irresistible boys. 


2. Senior Portraits -
You guys, it's starting. 
Senior Year stuff.
Sure, we've been visiting colleges for a year and Thing 1 has spent hours upon hours studying (and taking) the tests and doing other boring prep work, but I don't mean that.
I mean the fun stuff.
Although it doesn't really seem all that "fun" when I'm blubbering like a baby.
I'm not kidding.
Wednesday she got her senior pictures taken, and when the photographer came in from one of their outdoor sessions and showed me a few of the shots, the waterworks instantly started. 
There was just something about seeing those few photos of my baby, all grown up, that somehow made something start to break. 
Aren't you so glad you'll be along for the ride this year??
Seriously, there's still time to evacuate if you want.

But back to the pictures....
Wednesday was one of the very few unbearably hot and humid summer days we get here in Minnesota. You know how I feel about the neverending bitter cold, so I'm not complaining, but let's just say it wasn't ideal for outdoor portraits. 
Long story short (no, really), the photographer was kind enough to cut the session short after the third time we had to totally re-do the limp and sweaty hair, and rescheduled for today.
In like an hour.

So I really do have to run and help get her ridiculously thick hair blown out (no I'm not jealous) and pack up the car to hit the road to the lake -- this weekend with a group of teenage girls who will be mourning the rest of their empty and dismal days now that the One Direction concert has come and gone.
Should be a great time. 

But before I go I thought I'd leave you with a little unexpected surprise.
One of my senior pictures.
And if I hadn't already told you before what a NICE GIRL I was, I'm thinking looking at my wardrobe choice here might have clued you in. 

Enjoy your weekend!

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  1. That right there is one serious good-girl getup. You should send that dress off to college with Thing 1 when she goes. It'll keep her out of trouble for sure.

    I'm glad everyone had fun at the concert. 15 months is a REALLY long time to wait!

  2. What? I can't hear what you're saying, it's like you're speaking to me but my ears are still ringing from OUR 1D show on July 5. However, I DID remember my earplugs this past Friday for Big Time Rush/Victoria Justice. Stupid, though, because BTR had a seating capacity of 15,000, and 1D sold over 30,000 seats. Guess which show was louder. (we also had our tickets well over a year in advance).

    We actually were standing on the steps 20 mins before 1D came on stage, and once that video you're talking about came on, these 2 rude girls tapped us on the shoulder and said, 'excuse me, could you please move? we can't see'. Honey, they're going to show that video for Office Depot 12 more times before the boys come on, so keep your "Friday" panties on, k?

    And yes, I remember the pandemonium surrounding the first time I saw Duran Duran. I don't remember the screeching/wailing/high pitched screams being that bad. (much)


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.