Friday, July 26, 2013

Friday Favorites - Almost Famous

You know those friends who you've had forever that not only know everything about you (and still like you despite of it) but were actually there for a lot of it? 
The friends who, as the years go on, you share more and more inside jokes with and the laughs at all the old ones just get even bigger and more hysterical?
26 years ago we made friends like that in college.
We've all been (respective) roommates; traveled together; thrown up on each other; been in each other's weddings; and have watched all our kids grow from babies to best friends.
We live 1600 miles apart and may go months without more contact than Facebook or an occasional text and over a year (or more) without seeing each other, but can pick up right where we left off as if we were all together yesterday. 

And happily, we were.
Those friends are here visiting us at the lake right now, which is really Favorite enough for this week, but I'll pull out an oldie for your reading enjoyment anyway. 

Don't get too excited.
It's probably not gonna be that great.

First, though, there is something that just happened late, late last night that has the potential to be great.

First this happened - 

- which was surprising, but since her show is being tested in Minneapolis, I figured her tweetmaster had somehow tapped into all the tweeters around here and made us feel special.

And then Husband, who indeed had easily taken the rest of us -- two nights in row -- in "Apples-2-Apples" and "Loaded Questions", declared himself the 'Bruce Jenner' of game night, and so I wrote this --

And less than a minute later, I got this reply (her tweetmaster must work round the clock) -

And even though it was after midnight, Husband and I might have reacted like this -

For real.

I'm thinking it might mean my tweet will be posted on-air and my Twitter followers will skyrocket from 355 to about 380. 
Fingers crossed.

My DVR is set to record at noon today and of course I'll be watching, so I'll let you know what happens — that is, if I don't become instantly famous and am not too busy trying to "Keep Up"...

So if you need something to do while you wait for my big not so big news,  here's an old Friday Favorites post from last summer which pretty much could've been written again this week, so I don't feel too bad dusting it off. 

If you need me, I'll be picking out my outfit and experimenting with different hairstyles for my television debut. 

Have a good weekend!

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1 comment:

I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.