Monday, May 20, 2013

Prom. Go Big or Go Home.

As you probably know, May is prom season, and because I have a teenage daughter and friends with teenagers, I’ve recently been re-educated on the pomp and circumstance surrounding this adolescence milestone — and you guys, what I've learned is terrifying. 

I say “re-educated” because the only way prom in the year 2013 resembles prom in the year 198--, the year I went to by the fact that a horny guy still asks a naive and unsuspecting girl to go with him, buys her some crappy flowers and a decent meal and then expects a little sumpin’ sumpin’ in return. 

Some things never change. 

But I’ve learned that the hullabaloo of it all certainly has — starting with the simple act of asking the girl to prom. 

Grab a helmet, folks; everything I'm about to tell you may just Blow.Your.Mind.

The one rule of thumb for the guys to follow when asking a girl to prom these days? 

Go Big or Go Home.

Gone are the days when the boy the girl had had a crush on for two years caught her in the parking lot after school, handed her a rose and simply said, “Will you go to prom with me” (which may or may not be something that this girl will ever forget, even without backup dancers and guitar accompaniment).

Seriously, there’s now usually some kind of choreographed performance involving many friends complete with days of rehearsal. Songwriting! Musicians! Video! Spelling out “PROM?” with flower petals or candles on her front lawn! 

And once she’s secured a date via the skywriting message or YouTube request, the girl doesn’t have it so easy, either. Air brush tanning, manis, pedis, and two hour long hair appointments are a given these days, not to mention shopping for the appropriate undergarments.  I’m not kidding, the other day I heard a radio spot for a bra store that was targeting teenage girls who “needed that perfect undergarment to make her look her best at prom.” Um...pretty sure that’s code for, “ make her look smokin’ hot  when her lecherous date peels her dress off with his teeth.” 

Listen, my daughter isn’t going to prom this year (Harry Styles is out of the country), but if she goes next year you can be damn certain I’m making her wear her rattiest bra and ugliest underwear thereby making sure she’d die of embarrassment at the thought of anyone seeing it. Duh. 

Spray tans? Hair appointments? My prom day was spent far differently. 

I worked a five hour shift at the yogurt store where I painted my nails between customers and made myself drink an 8 oz. glass of water every half hour. I probably showered, did my makeup and hot-rolled my hair in about an hour. My date picked me up (in his wicked Trans-Am), we exchanged corsages, my mom snapped a few pictures of us standing by the door and we were on our way. I remember going straight to the restaurant where we met two other couples for a nice dinner — and where I had to go pee every 15 min. from the 80 oz. of water I’d consumed — before heading down to the dance. I don't remember much from the actual dance, other than being super excited when "Lady in Red" came on. (Fellow 80's peeps, am I right?)

Okay, I'll answer the questions I know are burning your mind.
Yes, he's wearing tails and yes, my bangs ARE awesome, thankyouverymuch.

But by today’s standards? 

Let me describe the 2013 scenario:
A group of maybe 12 couples (but no less than eight) meet up at a totally unrelated — yet picturesque — location along with all their parents several hours before the dance. There they take hundreds of photographs which include, but are not limited to, the following combinations:

  • couple alone
  • all couples, boys behind girls, smiling
  • all couples, boys behind girls, acting goofy
  • all couples, walking toward and away from camera
  • all couples, jumping in the air
  • girl with besties
  • all the girls, smiling
  • all the girls, acting goofy
  • all the boys, looking tough
  • girl/boy with parents
  • couple together with parents 

If you question my accuracy on this, I can prove it. 
Let me show you my Facebook feed next week.

As for the dinner? The transportation? I honestly have no clue, but I imagine it to be maybe a private jet to Vegas for a quick meal and back in time to make a brief appearance at the actual prom, which I have heard from actual parents is actually pretty lame. 

As for the after parties — I don’t even want to know. 
I'd tell you about mine but other than spending about five awkward hours wondering if my date — who was also my best boy friend and as fate would cruelly have it, my biggest crush — was ever going to kiss me (he didn't) and sitting on the roof watching the sunrise (and ruining my mom's white sweatshirt on the red tiled roof), I don't remember much about it. 
Those two things are memory enough, I guess.

And listen, I'm not anti-prom. Quite the contrary. An excuse to wear a dress fit for the red carpet, do something with your hair other than throw it in a ponytail and feel like a celebrity for an evening? All for it! It's just that it seems like such a monumental effort these days. Not to mention expense. 

Seriously, when did prom become as big of a deal as a freakin’ wedding? Was it maybe when so many weddings had to happen as the result of prom?’s all making more sense to me now. 

Have any prom memories of you own to share? I'd love to hear them!

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  1. If that's what prom is like when my daughters are that age I might arrange for them to be out of the country. A european vacation sounds cheaper.

    1. Ooooh! Great idea! Filing that one away for next year...

  2. I think I may have spent $200 total on my prom (dress, nails, hair..ect) but my SIL spent $450 on just her dress alone. Ummm...I didn't even pay that much for my wedding dress. YIKES!

    1. Oh, it's crazy. Add to that the tanning...mani/
      All way more crap than I'd splurge on for age 40-something!

  3. I am super glad my son didn't go to prom this year or last year. My head would have exploded. Your bangs are radical! At least you didn't have a mall wall!

    1. Still waiting to see this "mall wall"....I'm imagining a T-shirts+ and a SPENCER'S Gifts and maybe an Orange Julius behind you??

  4. Hahaha! You summed it up nicely! My baby sis just had her prom. We were definitely guilty of some of the photo poses. It was nice that she included my 5 year old daughter and my 8 month old daughter.

    Sad to say, but she looked better than me on my wedding day!

    1. Oh, I'm sure I'll be guilty of it one day too, if not because I feel the need to have 347 photos, because I'll cave to the pressure of all the other cameras clicking non-stop!
      Glad your little ones got to be included. The 5 year old must've felt pretty special!! :)

  5. There was a boy at the school I student taught at this semester who asked his date to prom on a billboard. No lie. Ridiculous!

    1. O.M.G. That wins. Poor guy, now he's gotta top that when he proposes one day.

  6. So for some reason at 15's high school dances, there seems to be an overabundance of baby making going on. I kid you not. Literally, skin on skin on the dance floor, pants unzipped, dresses hiked up, it's insane! Don't tell 15 but I'm THRILLED that she DIDN'T go this year (as a sophomore) but next year all bets are off. HOWEVER, one family hosted an 'Anti-Prom' and several of the kids I spoke with enjoyed that way more than the actual prom. So I'm going to push for the Anti-Prom next year.

    1. OUR HIGH SCHOOL TOO!! GAK! Seriously, what's happening in this world??!!??
      My daughter had an "Anti-Prom" party and she and her friends had an absolute ball. They even took fake prom pics with the assortment of cardboard cutouts we have (Harry Styles, Edward Cullen, Peeta...). It was hilarious.

  7. Hopefully by the time my daughter gets there, the trend will be to be economical. Not likely, but a mom can dream.
    On the day of prom, I had an all-day track meet. I painted my nails in the car on the way home. Finished getting ready while my date waited downstairs. The entire team and dates showed up to prom after dinner was over and ate in the corner by ourselves. Other than that, prom was a blast.

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  9. I only went to my senior prom and it was crap. It's made up to be this big, beautiful experience and it's just a bunch of drunk teenagers that can't dance piled into one room. And not to mention the money wasted.


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