Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday Favorites --

The end.

You guys, seriously. Since one week ago we were buried under 10" of snow (which had mostly melted by Sunday) only to get hit again with a few more inches early in the week, this forecast is better to me than a night of multiple Appletinis without a hangover. 
Do you now feel the full impact of my delight?
I think we might have just skipped April.
At least that's what I'm hoping. 
My body is so vitamin D deficient that I've had tremors and my eyes are turning yellow. 
I'm not lying (and no, it's not the Chardonnay). 
Today I'm getting out in the warm sunshine and taking down the Christmas lights and clearing all the spruce tips and evergreen garlands off my deck and front porch.
Again, not lying.
When you live in Minnesota you put up your lights and greenery in early November before the snow flies and you take them down in early April (typically) when the snow melts. 
We're super classy that way. 

I took the dead wreath down like two
months ago. Made it look a lot better, don't you think?
But this evening? This evening, for the first time since last fall, Husband and I will do what we'll be doing most evenings for the next five months; We'll sit in our deck chairs under the Oak trees with a bottle of wine and talk...sit in guitar (him)...write (me)...and (of course) yell at the god damned squirrels.. The fact that there are no leaves on the trees and the backyard is soggy and there are no flowers planted (yet) and the comfy chairs are still stored in the garage will make no difference in my feelings of utter and complete joy.
Besides, we better enjoy it quickly before the mosquitoes start to breed in all the pools left by the melting snow. 

While it's true that the fact the snow is gone and the sun is warm is favorite enough for me this week, there were still some other things here and there that made me smile. 

Like this bathing bunny.

Here's the website where this came from. You should check it out. Later. 
That is the cutest thing I've seen since this -

I want both of them. 
So do my cats.

And this week, for the first time in a loooong time, I read a real book. 
Well, not a real real book; I read it on my Kindle, but still. It was a book with chapters and everything...and it was a real page clicker.

Did you read Gone Girl? Same author. Way creepy. Supremely disturbing on so many levels. So well written. Other than the ending --  I loved it (much like Gone Girl). 
Although, now after having read them both I'm more than a little concerned about Gillian Flynn. 

I was divulging more about my home life over on my Facebook page -

Seriously, my life is such a mirror of Gwyneth's it's embarrassing. 

These tweets made me laugh out loud and spit coffee/Diet Pepsi/wine onto my keyboard (depending on the time of day) - 

If these ladies weren't my friends and co-authors, I'd totally make them repay those tablespoons of liquid I lost. Or clean my keyboard.

Alright, that's gonna do it today.
I've got windows to open and six months of togetherness to air out.

{You didn't really think I'd forget the Friday gif, did you??}

Happy Weekend!

Much like Target popcorn, clicking this button never gets old. 
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  1. You truly make me laugh and smile! I'm a bit concerned about Gillian Flynn myself, but her other book "Dark Places" was so good! I spent a summer up in Lake Hubert, MN and loved how pretty it was, but way too cold for my blood, and what's up with those mosquitoes?! We're going to enjoy some outside time and wine ourselves tonight, as long as our 3 kids don't make me drink it all before dinner!

  2. My Christmas lights are still hung! But not turned on. :)

  3. The weather is FINALLY nice and sunny here, too, and I don't know what to do with myself!!!! Here's to a very warm, boozy weekend. :)

    And I love, love, love that pig!!!!

  4. Oh, yeah, I should take down the wreath and lights this weekend. It's finally warm! yay! I'm as happy as that goat.

  5. I haven't changed my clothes in two days!
    Keep it classy, Brooklyn :)

  6. I'm still a little creeped out from "Gone Girl" and now there's a new one? Awwwwesome! I'll have to pay off my latest library fine and check it out.

  7. Congratulations on your well-deserved beautiful weather! And let me get this straight...Minnesota has brutal winters AND a mosquito problem? Do people actually live there voluntarily?

  8. So she did the same thing in Sharp Objects??? I LOVED Gone Girl until the end. And she did it again??? Does she just give up after writing the first 98% of a book??? What's up with that???


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.