Monday, October 22, 2012

Mama always said I was a winner...

...and apparently Jen thinks so, too!
I won the Liebster Award!!!

Hold on.
I just re-read her post and apparently I've only been nominated for the Liebster Award, which is a blogger award recognizing super-awesome and hilarious blogs that surprisingly still have fewer than 200 followers yet are on the precipice of national publication and appearances (by the author) on several popular morning shows. Okay, I might have made most of that sentence up. But for real it is an award that circles the blogosphere recognizing new and upcoming blogs and then 'paying it forward'.  And did you know the word 'Liebster' is german for 'favorite'?? Kismet, I tell ya.

I've seen many Liebster Award buttons on the sidebars of blogs (and you better believe I'm putting one up - STAT), but now that I think about it I don't recall ever hearing about one big winner from the list of what must be hundreds and hundreds of nominees. No matter, I'm planning a trip to the MoA in the coming weeks to shop for my dress for the ceremony that hasn't been planned yet (and only lives in my imagination) but which will be hosted by (fingers crossed) Tina Fey and Amy Pohler with musical performances by P!nk and Josh Groban.

And because it is an honor just to be nominated (I'm practicing...), I'd like to thank Jen, who has quickly become one of my favorite blogging buddies, and is definitely my favorite today.  If you haven't already, check out her blog! She's a hoot!

Unlike the Emmy Award, where all you have to do to win is star in a show on HBO or Showtime, or the Oscar, which you'll nab simply by portraying a character with any sort of severe disability, the Liebster comes with several important requirements.

First, I'm supposed to share 10 random things about myself.  Check out the tab marked 'meet the fam' up top.  I listed 23 of them months ago.  Not because I'm an overachiever (cough...cough) but because I must have known that one day the Liebster Foreign Press or the Liebster Academy of Blogs & Sciences might be checking out my blog and I'm nothing if not a kiss ass thorough. Check it out if you want to find out what I'm too deathly afraid of to even write about, who I have an inappropriate crush on, and what I desperately wished I owned but know I never will if I want to keep living with Husband.

Secondly, I'm supposed to answer 10 random questions from the lovely lady who nominated me.
Okay, Jen....shoot.

1. If you were forced to cheat on your significant other, who would you choose?
When I read this question to Husband, he immediately said, "If it's Stamos, count me in."
If it's Stamos.
Silly, silly man.

Have mercy.

2.  If you knew your next meal was going to be your last, what would you order?
Warm french baguette with garlic butter and parmesan cheese, fried mozerrella, a lump crab cake, truffle fries with gorgonzola sauce, filet oscar, 1 veggie supreme pizza from Rafferty's, a vat of cheesy potatoes, a 9x13 pan of brownies, a bottle of Duckhorn Cabernet and 2 appletinis.

3.  What is your current favorite song?
Arms by Christina Perri.  Has been for at least a year.  I cannot hear it enough.
If you have a moment, watch this cool lyric video.

4.  What was your favorite song in high school?
Anything by Duran Duran or Wham! And yes, they were current bands when I was in high school.  Shut up.

5.  Mayonnaise or Miracle Whip?
Omigod MAYONNAISE. Miracle Whip tastes like sour toe jam.  I'm guessing...

6.  How often do you change your sheets?
Wait....I'm supposed to change the sheets??

7.  What's your favorite brand of shampoo?
It changes.  Right now it's L'Oreal's Sulfate Free line.  Not because I have anything against Sulfates (although I'm thinking I should) but because it smells good ~ like Lavender Mint.

8.  Is the first person you kissed still in your life?
Depends what kind of kiss you're talking about.

9.  What's the biggest misperception people have about you?
That I'm a playa'.  Okay, that's totally not my real answer, but if you knew me you'd know how hard I'm laughing at myself right now...
My real answer -
That I have my shit together.  That I don't make mistakes.

10. Descrive your biggest 'foot in mouth' moment.
I can't think of one in particular, but know that there have been many times I've walked away thinking, did I really just say that?

Next, I'm supposed to nominate 10 bloggers with less than 200 followers...although in doing some research on the award (remember the part where I said I was thorough?) I've found some instances where that has been stretched to 300...who are my favorites  (my 'Liebsters'?)...and who will one day be sitting in the Kodak Theatre with me clapping politely.

But because most of the blogs I follow that are my favorites have more than 200 or 300 followers or already have a Liebster nomination (ahem...Jen...), it's been a tricky job. So I'm breaking the rules....and hoping it doesn't get me disqualified.

Let me just start by giving a shout out to a few new blogs I discovered last week...and I cannot get enough of...but that have waaay too many followers (or are on wordpress and I cannot tell how many followers they have) or already have a lovely Liebster button on their blog.

Why is Daddy Crying?
Let me start by saying...
Life's too short to play possum!
Crappy Pictures

But! Now onto my official 'Liebsters' (and if you already received a nomination in the past...just know that this will not sway the judges and help you beat day) The nominees are.....

Splash of Whine
Crazy with a side of Vanilla
Gracefully Made
Incorporating Color
I Like Beer and Babies

And lastly, I have to provide 10 questions for my nominees to answer in a blog post. So here's what I want to know...

1.  What is something you should be embarrassed about, but you're not?

2.  What are 2 things you do every day?

3.  Favorite cocktail(s).  {I realize it is absurd to presume you could just pick one}

4.  What is something you are good at? (keep it clean....or don't)

5.  What is the most embarrassing song on your iPod?

6.  Fill in the blank with your own words - not hers!  - "This one time, at ____________________, I _________________________."

7.  Would you rather have to go 2 weeks without showering or eat nothing but canned dog food for 3 days?

8.  What is the square root of 441? (keepin' ya on your toes)

9.  If you had a perfect day, what are 3 things it would include?

10.  A 5 word sentence that describes you...

Whew!! I think I'm done! Requirements filled!! Liebster nomination secure!!
Liebster Award I come!!!  

Now, off to find that dress...


  1. Thanks Michelle!!! With much appreciation for the pimp out!!! Adding you to my blog roll if it's alright with you. :)


  2. LOL, you definitely deserve the award! Your food list is killing me right now...I'll have what you're having (except maybe not the a few more months once baby is here - bring it on!)

    Happy Monday!

  3. Aw, thank you!!
    And you are MUCH deserving of this award. Enjoy!

  4. Wait, did I know you lived in MN? Rafferty's rules all - but you need to add Truffle Tater Tots from Bulldog.

  5. Pick me pick me! Wait did that sound a little bit desperate now? Neh! Who cares! :)

  6. Thanks, Michelle. I will save these ?s for an upcoming post I am working on but here they are for you now.

    1. What is something you should be embarrassed about, but you're not? Picking my nose.

    2. What are 2 things you do every day? Drink. Poop.

    3. Favorite cocktail(s). {I realize it is absurd to presume you could just pick one} Wine and beer.

    4. What is something you are good at? (keep it clean....or don't) Writing. Mommying.

    5. What is the most embarrassing song on your iPod? I don't get embarrassed by music. I love it. Even the bad stuff. Hootie and the Blowfish are guilty pleasures of mine though.

    6. Fill in the blank - "This one time, at band camp, I stuck a flute up my..."

    7. Would you rather have to go 2 weeks without showering or eat nothing but canned dog food for 3 days? No showering. I am really good at it.

    8. What is the square root of 441? (keepin' ya on your toes) I hate math.

    9. If you had a perfect day, what are 3 things it would include? My husband, my kids, wine.

    10. A 5 word sentence that describes you... I like beer and babies.


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.