Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday Faves - Instagram edition

  I haven't yet taken part in one of the many Instagram link-ups that make their way around the blogosphere, or likewise, one of the 'my week in Instagram photos' because frankly, I doubt many of you really care to see everything I do on a daily basis.  

And I don't have a link over there to follow my Instagram account because I take waaay too many photos of waaay too many inconsequential things that I do on a daily basis...and funny faces my kids make...and items I want at Target...and what my dinner looks like...and my cats.
So many photos of my cats.

But a few days ago Thing 1 took an Instagram photo that I adored.
It was my favorite. 
And thus, this post was born - 10 Instagram favorites...

And I'm starting it off with Thing 1's feet.

Thing 1 is somewhat obsessed and infatuated with all things British.
She's furious she's not British.
These are her monkey clad footies (in UK colors) resting on the head of her bed, where Husband's old Union Jack flag he had above his bed as a teen is pinned proudly to her lilac walls 
(although I'm pretty sure his love of the UK had more to do with Pink Floyd than One Direction). 
If you look closely in the lower right corner, you can see a bit of one of the many, many posters she also has pinned to the pretty purple walls (which I only keep mentioning because I'm trying to be okay with the fact that navy blue and red clash terribly with purple.  I may be a bit obsessive).
Most of them are of British boys.

Channeling my inner granny and working on one of the several crochet projects I work on when I find a few minutes 
(which isn't too often).
Now this blanket is big enough to cover me when I work on it.
A nice perk since the temps here in Minnesota are rapidly starting to plummet. 
The bitter days of Hell are just around the bend.

Looks like Lucy may be a Nazi.
How terribly disappointing.

I made Snickerdoodles last week for Thing 2.
They were worth every bad word I have been saying this week as I've been trying to button my jeans.

"You want to move your legs in the next hour, you say? 
Bahahahahaha.  Sucks to be you, then."

I'm not a big beer drinker...unless it's this Red Brew from my most favorite pizza place in the world that is conveniently located one mile from our cabin.  
It's one of the things that puts the 'happy' in 

Another one of our cats (I warned you). 
This is Sweet Leea.

I don't have too many of Jackson (our 3rd cat) because he's black.
And before you get all "oh, no she didn't just say that" -
I mean that it's very hard to take a photo of him on my phone because you can't really tell his head from his ass on that little screen.
And no, he's not named after Michael.

My favorite lunch.
One breaded and baked zucchini - usually eaten at my desk while I'm typing away.
I eat this about twice a week.

Love to sit by the fire at the lake.
Next time I get to, though, it will most likely look like this outside...
That's least we put the snow to good use.

And even though this is cheating a bit because it's #11, and because I took it way back in June, 
it's one of my most favorite photos of the Things.
Walking down the street in NYC...holding hands (even though one is 16)...talking and laughing and being so authentically happy in the moment.
I keep it in a frame on my desk.
It speaks volumes about their relationship.
Makes my heart so happy.

Enjoy your weekend, kids!!


  1. hahaha I love the beer in the snow. that is sooo typical here in MN!

    And I LOVE the sisterly bond your Things have! :)

  2. Great photos! Snickerdoodles are ALWAYS worth the regret :)

  3. Snickerdoodle recipe, please. Have a great weekend!


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.