Sunday, September 2, 2012

6 months of my favorite thing.

6 months and 3 days ago I was bored.

6 months and 2 days ago I was doing laundry and mopping the floors cruising Pinterest and discovered a link to a blog where the author had posted step-by-step video instructions on how she curled her hair plus literally hundreds of photos of herself in Forever 21 outfits (and I know this because the captions under all those self-portraits told me where I, too, could buy the wide yellow patent belt and floral tunic or whatever the longish top she was wearing actually was).  I found it ridiculous and hysterical.  Until I saw the major companies advertised along her side-bar.

6 months and 1 day ago I became intrigued by this newly discovered phenomenon and surfed the web and discovered thousands upon thousands of other blogs where people just wrote about their day...what they did over the weekend...what their wedding plans were...and it blew. my. mind.

6 months ago I sat down in front of my computer and wrote this. My very first post (read it if you haven' will explain a lot). On a blog I hastily and blindly threw together on blogger (which I seriously had to google search to find).

I had absolutely no idea what I was doing and no idea what kind of gigantic can of slimy and frightening worms I was opening.  I'd never read a blog other than a few that recapped episodes of The Bachelor and am being honest when I say that I did not have one clue as to how vast and complicated the blogging world is.

6 months ago I was a stay at home mom who kept herself busy by volunteering in various ways with things her kids were involved in and surfing the web and running errands and taking waaay too many naps, but who had always loved to write and who had way too much to say about just about everything (this might give you a little more insight).

5 months and 29 days ago I got a job.  Well, not really a job job but I do consider this blog my work, something I make time for every day - if not to write, to read and to research and to learn.  And I think to be successful and to meet the goal I originally set for myself 6 months ago (which was to write about the things I found funny...ridiculous....important...and most importantly, things I'd myself want to read) I have to treat it like a job.  I have to make it take priority over other things at times if I want to get better at it.  And I do, and I'm having a blast.

6 months later, sitting down to 'work on the blog' (whether it be writing or reading the other hilarious and mundane and lovely posts of the blogs I follow or to research and learn about the things I can - and need to - do in order to keep this blog moving forward) is my favorite part of my day (other than trips to Target and the occasional nap I still make sure to fit in).  My family has had to learn to give me space when I'm writing - which means no peeking/reading over my shoulder and nobody asking, "whatcha writing?" (which makes me growl) and everybody learning how to get along without mama for a few hours at a time &/or know when to bring in the bottle of Chardonnay and refill my glass.

It is starting to take on a life of its own.  I really should thank that girl - the one who showed me how she did her hair 6 months ago.  I'd like to blow her cover but to be honest, I still follow her blog via email (don't worry, she's definitely not one of you reading this) because I'm that intrigued by her ridiculously popular posts...and because I'm way too nice.  I'm learning as I go.

I have a more than a few things I'm excited about doing and posting this month...and in the months to come.  I've found that my brain is often thinking, "I could write about that!" at random times and I just itch to get to a keyboard.

And 87 posts in I think I'm just getting started.

So you keep reading, I'll keep writing, and we'll see where the next 6 months takes us!
xoxo ~ m.


  1. LOVED reading this :) Happy 6 months! I'm a new-ish follower but yours has quickly become one of my 'daily reads'- LOVE IT.

    It's been about 3 months for me and I absolutely am enjoying every minute of it.

    Thanks for blogging!! :)

  2. Yay!! Happy 6 months! We started around the same time.... and though we view it more as a hobby it would definitely be fun to have the capacity to have it as a business.

  3. Happy 6 months! I've been 'round these parts for 2 years with I think 5-600 posts under my still isn't old. :)


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.