Monday, August 13, 2012

My pal Jen is getting married. Finally.

Oh, thank god.
Jennifer Aniston finally got engaged on Friday and now America can finally stop feeling sorry for her every time Brad and Angelina adopt another kid or buy another villa or just generally exist together.
And frankly, I think she wins.
That Justin Theroux isn't too hard on the ol' peepers.

You gotta admit, though, she definitely has a 'type'.

I've always kind of had a love/hate thing going on with Jen (I can call her 'Jen' because I like to imagine we're F-R-I-E-N-D-S and can call each other shortened versions of our names.  She calls me "Chelle" btw).  I've always loved how she seems like she's so effortlessly put together and fit and rich and happily livin' her single girl life with no apologies but also always hated how she seems like she's so effortlessly put together and fit and rich and happily livin' her single girl life with no apologies.

Seriously, whenever I think I'm kind of cool for  43,
a photo like this comes along and slaps me in my smug face.
And even though I'm thinking she's probably really a mean girl at her core, I've always felt like we'd be great friends. And now that I've learned that JT proposed on his birthday (I call him 'JT' because, like Justin Timberlake, he seems like he's uber-cool and supremely awesome, even though he kind of scares me a tiny bit (Theroux, not Timberlake.  Are you following??)),  I'm now convinced we are soul sisters, because get this - Husband proposed to me on his birthday too.  I know. When I found this out my mind was also blown.

But that's not the only thing Jen and I have in common.

1.  We are almost the exact same age (she's actually 6 weeks older than I am which makes me feel like sayin'  'suck-it Jen!' until I see a photo of her body.  Then I cry).
2.  We shared the same hairstyle in the 90's (okay, maybe she had it first, and maybe I copied her, but damned if I didn't rock it for like a solid 3 years after she grew hers out).
The only shots of myself circa '96 that I could find.  But you get the idea.
Apparently I also enjoyed silver eye-shadow (and was ecstatic to get those Christmas jammies).

3.  She (occasionally) makes cute and funny romantic comedies and I love romantic comedies!
4.  She loves Ellen and is one of her BFFs.  I also love Ellen and am one of her BFFs (in my mind).

Okay, so maybe that's about all the things we have in common.

But you've got to admit, the proposing on the birthday coincidence is huge and counts as like 5 reasons, or it should.

I'm so happy for Jen and JT.
Happy that she's found someone who'll be there for her when the rain starts to he's been there before.....

Fingers crossed he doesn't ever get cast opposite a tall, pale-skinned, red-lipped leading lady home-wrecker with long dark hair who likes to drink blood.



  1. i am soooo happy for jen! team aniston!

  2. I am happy for her too... so much better than the "other two". LOL

  3. I totally LOL'd at the last picture. Yikes!

    I'm all about Team Jennifer - I'm so happy for her and hope to see some babies in her near future. haha

  4. She totally wins. JT is hotter.

  5. I am sure you will have a blast at the wedding.... tricky to know what to get her for a gift though.


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.