Monday, June 11, 2012

Start spreadin' the news....

After a crazy, busy, tiring past week, it's finally time to get the suitcases out and throw in all the clothes I've been putting in piles in our bedrooms for the past few days (and threatening the Things NOT to wear again before Tuesday).
Yep, for the 5th time in 8 weeks I will be boarding a plane (and if you have forgotten how I feel about that, read HERE) which bumps up my flying average this year to like...well, a LOT (which is probably not a real math term but I'm waay too tired to do math right now).
But it will all be worth it.  Because we're headin' back to one of our family favorites.

10 things we are looking forward to doing in NYC:

1.  Spending several hours on Liberty Island.  Last time we were rushed (which may or may not have been because Thing 1 left her camera case in the museum and had to go back to look for it, and Thing 2 lost Husband's hat in another part of the museum).  This time the museum is closed due to renovations so I think we'll be in good shape.  And no, I did not call ahead and arrange that.  

2.  Riding the ferris wheel in Toys-R-Us in Times Square (Thing 2's 'must-do').  We'd better get the adorable Little Tykes car this time instead of the dumb Geoffrey car or Fire Truck.  I'll push a little kid down if I have to.

3.  Seeing 'WICKED' - for the 3rd time.  I know, I know, with all the amazing shows to choose from, why pick one we've seen before??  Um, because it's the most awesomely fabulous musical ever and our whole family is obsessed (we seriously sing the soundtrack all the time and are all ready to step in if they need us. Sorry if I just blew your cover, Husband) ...and because Thing 2 is too young to see 'Book of Mormon'.  Dang it.

4.  Photo-bombing some tourist's vacation photos.  Always a good laugh for us.  We just hope the families that have our smiling faces in the corners of their photos agree.

5.  Campus visit and tour of NYU.  Thing 1's first college visit/tour.  She thinks it would be absolutely beyond fabulous to go to college in NYC.  I think it's a bit aggressive, given the fact that she lives in a town with a population of 5,000 and thinks driving a mile up the road to Target is a big adventure.  

6.  Celebrity hunting.  One of my obsessions when I'm in NYC.  So far, I've seen David Letterman, Kate Hudson, Kelly Ripa and Kristin Davis.  Okay, I'm kind of lying because I saw them all when I was in the audience of 'Letterman' and 'Regis & Kelly', but I'm constantly on the lookout and am determined to have a run in with Sarah Jessica Parker or Gwyneth Paltrow playing with their kids in the park or Katie Holmes and Suri buying cupcakes at Magnolia Bakery.  The fact that every park we walk by I pretty much go into stalker mode and stare intensely at every kid hopefully won't get me arrested one day.  

7.  Nuts-for-Nuts carts.  Another NYC obsession for me. Those hot candied nuts in those little white paper bags are like crack to me.  Except I don't do nor have I ever done crack.  But I imagine it's just as mind-blowing and addicting. However, you don't die from eating nuts-for-nuts.  Unless you have a peanut allergy, which thankfully I do not.  

8.  Riding the Subway.  Makes us feel like locals and is always kind of exciting (until we get on a train that smells like pee.  Then...not so exciting anymore). 

9.  Spending the day in Central Park.  The kids love to climb around on all the giant rocks.  I love to hunt celebrities.  Win-win.

10.  Shopping! Shopping! Shopping!  Hoping to find some good stuff in Greenwich....SoHo....and (of course) from the vagrants on the corners.  

So that's it, kids!  I'm off the grid (haha...we'll see how long that lasts). 
And tomorrow I have a treat for you - my first guest blogger will be stopping by to fill in for me, so make sure to check back.  Then I've got a few things in the hole ready to go for the rest of the week, so even though I won't be here....I will be here.  
You can't get rid of me that easily.  


  1. Have so much fun! I went to NYC last year and loved it. My brother actually lives up there now...he's way more ballsy than me. I start to get claustrophobic there by day 3...

  2. Jealous!!! It sounds like a win-win trip all around! Good luck spotting the celebrity!

  3. Michelle!!! You're here!!!!
    I hope you're enjoying the city - the rain is pretty bogus today... sorry about that.

    Hope you get a sec to stop by and seeeee meeeeee!!

  4. i am sooo so jealous! i hope you are having the best time :) everytime i go to LA i always celebrity hunt, lol


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.