Thursday, June 21, 2012

"It's OK..."

I'm playing along with a lot of other bloggers today in a game called "It's OK..."
You're smart - you'll catch on.

It's OK...
that it's 10:30 a.m. and I just woke up after sleeping over 10 hours.
Even though I adore sleep, this is out of control.  I feel headachy and stiff and my throat feels thick and gunky (TMI??)....but it's OK.  It's summer!!  My kids are old enough to feed and care for themselves!!  Plus - plus - it's almost lunchtime so I get to skip like 300 calories and that awful decision of what-to-have-for-breakfast today!!

It's OK...
that even though it is a glorious sunny and not-too-humid summer day outside, I plan to stay in, catch up on GLEE with Thing 1 and work on our SMASH journals (don't know about SMASH journals??  Read THIS post!

It's OK...
that the first book I've read in like 2 months was My Reality by Melissa Rycroft.  I love to read and always - always - have had like 3 books going, but since I started this blog I haven't had time (don't worry, I have plans to change that this summer).  I needed something light to read while on my trip.  And oh, believe me, mission accomplished with that book.  But remember, I consider US Weekly and People to be accurate accounts of what goes on in Hollywood and in the world, so that should give you a clue as to the depth of my literary intelligence. (...and that is OK...)

It's OK...
that after returning from a week's vacation, my pants are a bit snug.  Although, after walking like 10 miles a day and not really eating breakfast or lunch I do NOT see how that happened.  Perhaps the cheesecake and martinis at midnight and the box of 25 Dunkin' Donut Munchkin's would disagree...

It's OK...
that as I'm typing this blog post, I can hear Thing 2 freaking out about the failure of the pancakes she's trying to make (which may or may not be because I just woke up, grabbed a cup of coffee and came straight to the computer....oh, and may have told her I wouldn't make them. Mama of the Year!!!).  Sounds like she has now thrown out the batter, and Thing 1 (in a burst of kindness...and surprisingly stepping away from the laptop) is apparently stepping in to save the pancake day.  See?  Leave them be and they will figure it all out.....and it's OK.

...Now, off to exchange this coffee for a Diet Pepsi and make a sandwich.  After all, it is lunchtime!

Have a good day!!


  1. I love your fun list of it's ok lol :) I think it's so great to sleep in. I know what you mean about skipping breakfast he he I love Glee as well. I hope you have a wonderful amazing day!

  2. I win. I think I slept 11.5 ... yikes. Usually I get about 6 hrs of sleep. I guess my body needed to play catch up. wowza. oh and eating on vacation ... what else are vacations for?

  3. I like how you call your kids thing 1and 2

  4. I have been dying to read My Reality! I love Melissa!

  5. Love this!


    Have a fabulous day! xo

  6. quality sleep...does that happen when your babies become teenagers? Lucky you!

  7. Love it! I wish I could sleep late! 5:00 rolls around, my eyes pop open and I feel like I should be up. I am going to try one day next week! Was the book really good? I just finished a book called "The Night Counter" it was really good! I am with you, its hard to just wake up and start cooking!!


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.