Friday, April 27, 2012

Weekly favorites - chock full of Nutella goodness

This week I've had a cold off and on and have felt totally sleep deprived and like I need to nap constantly (which I kind of have). I can't shake it. I even got some B-12 gummies in an attempt to boost my energy (I can't take grown-up vitamins because they make me severely nauseous. So at my doctor's suggestion, I take vitamin gummies. I get all my recommended percentages AND it makes me happy. win win).

Maybe it's because I've spent like 6 hours a day sitting at this computer researching ways to increase blog readers, re-design my blog template, get my own domain and host and eventually gain some advertisers (which isn't going to make a hell of a lot of sense unless I get more blog readers. aaand so we're back to square one). It's more than a little overwhelming and daunting, I have to admit. I had no idea there were thousands of others who have a lot to say about nothing. Like Husband said (sarcastically, as is almost always the case), "Hmmm. Go figure. I mean, because you ARE getting in on the start-up, the cutting edge,  of this blogging craze." Thanks a lot, Mr. Obvious.

Skipped working out. Skipped vacuuming my house. Made things like hot dogs and frozen pizza for dinner. Major accomplishments this week include:

Making my 8:00 a.m. hair appointment on Tuesday instead of going back to sleep.

and really, that's about it.

So this week's favorites include a something that made me feel better (if only for a day), something that made me happy (and also made me wish that I hadn't skipped my work-outs), something that made me reflect (and made me glad I got my butt up and out of the house), and something that made me proud (always).

1.  Zinc lozenges (the something that made me feel better) -

I swear by these. If you really do start taking them the minute you start to feel that little twitchy tickle at the back of your throat, and are consistent about taking them every 2 hours, they will work like magic.  Since I'd been totally infected by Thing 2 last week, I knew I was gonna get hit hard when I woke up Sunday morning with the tell-tale scratchy throat and burning nose. After an emergency run to CVS to stock up (and btw - CVS wins the prize for THE most fabulous selection of lozenges ever), and an entire day pumping my body full of zinc, by Monday morning I hardly felt sick at all. Magic, I tell you. Pure zinc magic.

2.  NUTELLA. NUTELLA. NUTELLA (the something that made me wish I hadn't skipped my workouts) -

Seriously. Why has it taken me so long to love you?

I'm going Nutella crazy.
Dipping pretzel sticks and popcorn in it was at the top of the list, until (in a sudden burst of energy the other night....funny how gooey chocolate can motivate me) I made this -

which is the end result of this -

We spread Nutella inside, too, of course.
And licked the spoons.
It was sublime. Supreme. Splendiforous. 
And then I decided to check the nutritional information on the back of the Nutella jar.

3.  Princess Diana: A Celebration Exhibit (the something that made me reflect and glad I got my butt up and out of the house -

My mama and I went to the MoA (that's the Mall of America for you non-MN peeps) to see Princess Diana's wedding dress, childhood mementos and dresses dresses dresses.
It was a beautiful, emotional tribute of an extraordinary woman - no question.
However, other than standing 2' from that iconic wedding dress (UNbelievable), my favorite moment might have been the story behind this photo -

Diana, me and mama. 
We couldn't take any photos inside the exhibit, and we really wanted a photo of us by the giant Diana on the wall (to post on facebook, of course).  Since there was no one around to take the picture, but there was a HOOTERS directly across from the exhibit entrance with 2 bored and enhanced young ladies wearing Build-a-Bear shorts standing in the doorway, I said to my mama:

M: "Go ask the HOOTERS waitress to take our picture!! It will be hilarious!"

so, because unlike me she is not intimidated or scared by the HOOTERS (I'll let you decide what I mean by that), mama scurries over and asks, and one of them comes trotting over!
I almost did a jig! For some reason this was cracking me up!

M: (trying to make eye contact but seriously wanting to take a peek at to see if they were indeed why she got the job)
"Oh, thank you so much! It didn't really look like you guys were too busy over there."

H: (who was indeed gorgeous, flawless, and yeah, definitely HOOTER-y)
"Oh, god no. I'm so bored.  I keep asking if I can go home." (rolls her perfectly eyelined eyes)

{takes the above photo, and says -}

H: "Enjoy the exhibit. It's so funny, sometimes the husbands will come and wait in HOOTERS while their wives are in the exhibit. hahaha."

M: (sending telepathic message to husband letting him know he picked the wrong exhibit to skip)
"That is funny. I'm sure the wives find that freakin' hilarious."

No lie, her tank top had to have been a size 3T.

Seriously. I'd love to spend one day looking that perfect. And Hooter-ish. And to top it off, she was nice. Yeah, I'm sure that's what all the boys think, too.

4. A CHORUS LINE (the something that made me proud) -

Let me start by getting the proud mama thing outta the way.
So Thing 1 is a "theatre kid" (her words). You know what I mean - she sits at the "theatre kid" table at lunch, she listens to show tunes for pleasure, she lets her freak flag fly - proudly (love love that about her), and she'd rather be at rehearsal than just about anywhere else.
This week was her high school's second week of performances of "A Chorus Line", and it is fabulous and fun and she does an amazing job in it.  She just shines with glee when she's up on that stage.

I loved "A Chorus Line" when I was a kid. Loved.

But, much like I did when I realized just how young I was when I was obsessed with Grease, as I've become reacquainted with the script and lyrics of the show I'm appalled by how educated (or else just plain clueless) I must've been as a kid, and really hoping that I was less kid and more teen when I was prancing around my room singing all the songs at the top of my voice.  Good god.
Although, having said that, we have taken Thing 2 to the show and she loves it.  Nothing like a little sex-ed, theatre style.  Hey, I turned out okay (shut up, Husband).

Okay, I'm sitting here typing this and Thing 2 just walks in behind me and says (keep in mind I cannot see her) :
"Do my buns look big?"
I turn around and see this -

What? Your family doesn't have a hot dog costume just for the sake of having a hot dog costume? 

So, taking the last spot (at the last minute) on the list is 

5. Thing 2 (something that ALWAYS makes me laugh) 

1 comment:

  1. Grease was bad in hindsight... but I shudder when I think about my parents hearing me singing the lyrics to Rocky Horror Picture Show... "touch-a, touch-a, touch me... i wanna be dirty".


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.