Friday, March 2, 2012

So now I'm a blogger. Thanks, Pinterest.

I've been spending way too much time on Pinterest lately.  I can't stop looking at all those small photos of delicious looking food and hilarious quotes and adorable baby animals and brides who all have ridiculous gorgeous hair and tiny babies dressed as mermaids and perfectly put together outfits with cool scarves and places that are insanely beautiful but that nobody but the photographer has been to and tight glossy abs and towel bars that can miraculously organize my jewelry and pinkalicious birthday parties with tiny girls in darling pink tulle tutus surrounded by clear jars of pink gum balls and pink m&ms holding giant pink balloons and so much chocolate decadence that I need to quickly read the fitness links just to make myself feel less guilty about reading the recipes.  And the blogs. So many blogs.  I honest to God never knew there were so many blogs about cooking.  All this time I've been thinking I'm all cutting edge by looking up recipes on thinking I'm the next Rachel Ray.  Look how internet savvy I am! Suck it you old archaic Betty Crocker cookbook!  I've got bookmarked!

So apparently it turns out there are thousands of people baking and cooking away their days, and taking photos of every single freakin' step of the recipe, and they've been doing this apparently, for like, years. I guess if you like to cook, it's also fun to photograph the measuring cup full of chicken broth and the raw chicken you are cutting while holding your camera with the other hand that presumably has chicken goo on it.  Swear to God, I'd throw away my camera.  I should probably admit that I became sucked into these food blogs for about a week.  I pinned a whole bunch of stuff at first (but only the photos with the cooked chicken - there's not a lot that I hate more than the look/feel/smell of blubbery raw chicken) but then had a moment of self-awareness and deleted all the recipes that had more than 6 ingredients and a total preparation time of over 15 min.  Whatever.

I also discovered that a lot of model-looking, model-posing, 20-something, freshly married, newly pregnant or just-had-a-baby-but-look-how-great-I-look girls women looove to blog photographs consisting entirely of outfits they wore (and where they bought each article of clothing), artsy b&w photos of them with their chiseled husbands, or how they do their hair.  Seriously.

How. They. Do. Their. Hair.

I get that I'm a hell of a lot older than mid-20's (shut up) but if I'd ever have blogged the steps or posted video of me doing my hair when I was in my 20s I certainly hope someone would have shaved my head.  I know several people, in fact, that would have happily.  The fact that the steps would've been

1. Plug in hot rollers 1 hour before showering.
2. Blow dry hair upside down.
3. Section off 1" pieces of hair, roll up to scalp in hot rollers. Place kleenex under each roller to keep from burning scalp.
4. Leave rollers in hair for 20 minutes. Try to keep all the kleenexes in by tilting head to and fro.
5. Remove rollers. Bend over and run fingers though hair. Hairspray generously while upside down

is beside the point and should not date me &/or give away my age.

So it got me thinking.

I have a lot to say.  I love facebook and twitter (and understand and acknowledge the tiny bit of narcissism of it) and enjoy posting witty (to some) observations and reading about mundane musings of some girl I went to 6th grade with but who I doubt I'd even grab coffee with if we lived in the same city.  I get tremendous joy out of knowing what Scott Baio does on a daily basis (shut up) and seeing photos of John Stamos riding on a gondola on his trip to Italy (have mercy) and knowing that my best friend from high school who I haven't seen or talked to in person in years is taking a flying trapeze class.

So I thought, why the Hell not? I mean, I certainly don't lead an exciting, glamourous life by any means.  It's a pretty great life, no question.  Not exactly the life I had planned for myself, but not everyone can be the next Mary Hart or Jules Asner (please make me stop dating myself). I have a pretty fantastic husband who was my college sweetheart, 2 incredible, caring, and (most importantly) funny girls who have been my life for 16 years, 2 crazy cats + 1 diabetic cat who run the household, a home and a cabin I love in a state I do not and a lot of time to read UsWeekly, watch The Bachelor and drink wine. I realize I have a lot to say about a lot of desperately unimportant things and that maybe my long suffering husband would like it if I had another outlet for discussing the latest celebrity dirt or why the hell we still live in Minnesota.

So I guess I'll give it a try. I promise not to show you photos of my new shirt from Anthropologie (although it is darling) or give you a step-by-step guide to curling/straightening/washing my hair. Although I can't promise I won't occasionally post photos of my cooking attempts. Only because they are hilarious.

So thanks for coming along for the ride.

You're my favorite today.


  1. I found your blog through The Coffeehouse and I think I love you. The people posting about their outfit of the day makes me want to vomit in their Louis Vuitton purse. Glad I'm not the only one a little put off by this!

  2. Thanks! Yeah, It's super annyoing and I'd love to do a blog post about it but don't want to offend anyone. ;)
    Off to check out your blog!

  3. I love your blog and this post cracked me up! Happy to find another Minnesota Blogger out there, too bad you don't like the state because I love it!! No worries, I will not hold that against you... HA! :)

    1. Thanks for reading!! And I really just like to give MN a lot of grief (because of the grief it gives me from Dec.- April)! I'm a west coast girl at heart so it's just been a bit of a shock to find myself here....for 14 years and counting! But yes - it is a LOVELY place to raise your family and MPLS is a great city, no question!! :)

  4. Wow you're a blogger?? I had no idea! This is gonna be great!! :)


I love your comments. They let me know I'm talking to someone besides my cats during the day. Check back ~ I'll reply if I'm not too busy napping.